How long should a cold sore last


A form of the herpes simplex virus called HSV-1 causes cold sores. Cold sores usually form on or around the lips.

An untreated cold sore usually lasts 8-10 days, but can remain for up to two weeks. It typically progresses through five distinct stages.

Learn more about cold sores

Find out more about herpes

Day 1

Tingle stage

This is when you'll feel those first few symptoms, which typically only last for several hours. Your skin could feel like it's tight and itchy, or you may experience a burning or tingling sensation. This is a sign that the HSV-1 virus is reactivating.


Treatment can be started at the first tingle.

What are the first symptoms on your mouth or lips?

Pain or burning

Soreness or tenderness

Pain or burning: You most likely have a cold sore.

Soreness or tenderness: This is usually minor and can be the first sign of a pimple.


Treatment can be started at the first tingle.

Days 2-4

Blister stage

This is when you first see the blister developing. The affected area becomes red and swollen and eventually fluid-filled blisters develop containing millions of virus particles. You’ll probably see a group of small, painful lumps that may multiply or grow. The surrounding skin may become red and swollen.


Cold sores are contagious even after developing a blister.

Where are the blisters?

Inside my lips

Outside my lips

Inside: You might actually be experiencing a mouth ulcer. These tend to appear as a sore or tender white/yellow patch. They can be found anywhere inside the mouth. Uncommonly, cold sores can occur inside the mouth. Please ask a pharmacist if you’re unsure whether you have a cold sore or not.

Outside: It is very likely this is a cold sore. Please ask a pharmacist if you’re unsure whether you have a cold sore or not.

Cluster: If you have a cluster of small, softer blisters filled with clear fluid, it is more likely to be a cold sore. Please ask a pharmacist if you’re unsure whether you have a cold sore or not.

One: If the blister is fairly firm, it is more likely to be a blemish. Please ask a pharmacist if you’re unsure whether you have a cold sore or not.

Clear. Cold sores are generally clear, as they are full of fluid. Please ask a pharmacist if you’re unsure whether you have a cold sore or not.

Coloured. Cold sores are generally clear. Pimples tend to be red and/or yellow as they contain skin oils and bacteria. Please ask a pharmacist if you’re unsure whether you have a cold sore or not.


Cold sores are contagious even after developing a blister.

Day 4

Ulcer stage

This can be the most painful stage as the blisters burst and a shallow ulcer (open sore) develops. You may also see a red ring of inflammation around the affected area.

This stage can be very painful.

Where is the redness on your lips?

Large area

Specific spot

Larger area. The redness is not centred around a specific spot. Intense dryness can extend beyond the lip with irritation, pain and possibly splitting or bleeding. If this is the case, you may have chapped lips. Please ask a pharmacist if you’re unsure whether you have a cold sore or not.

Specific spot. It’s likely you have a cold sore rather than chapped lips as cold sores usually appear in clusters. Please ask a pharmacist if you’re unsure whether you have a cold sore or not.


This stage can be very painful.

Days 5-8

Scabbing stage

This is when your cold sore dries out and forms a yellow/brown scab. Underneath the scab, wound healing of the sore takes place. As your scab shrinks, it may leave you with painful cracks that are prone to bleeding. You may also experience itching and burning.


Don’t peel off the scab as you could damage the new, delicate skin and may leave a scar. Let the scab fall off naturally.


Don’t peel off the scab as you could damage the new, delicate skin and may leave a scar. Let the scab fall off naturally.

DAYS 8-10

Healing stage

As your scab starts to come off, you may notice some dry flaking and residual swelling. Your skin may also remain slightly pink or red.


If your cold sore persists for longer than 10 days, consult your healthcare professional for advice.


If your cold sore persists for longer than 10 days, consult your healthcare professional for advice.

Why won't my cold sores go away?

If you've already had your cold sore for more than 10 days, it's important to call your doctor. Only a medical professional can evaluate whether something more serious, like an autoimmune issue, is causing your lingering cold sore. So if your cold sore won't heal for months, don't wait any longer.

How long does an untreated cold sore last?

A form of the herpes simplex virus called HSV-1 causes cold sores. Cold sores usually form on or around the lips. An untreated cold sore usually lasts 8-10 days, but can remain for up to two weeks.

What are the 5 stages of a cold sore?

5 Stages of a Cold Sore Outbreak.
Cold Sore Stage 1: Initial Symptoms. ... .
Cold Sore Stage 2: Progression. ... .
Cold Sore Stage 3: Rupture. ... .
Cold Sore Stage 4: Scabbing. ... .
Cold Sore Stage 5: Resolution..

How long does it take for a cold sore scab to go away?

During the scabbing stage, your cold sore blister scabs over for two to three days. Typically, cold sore scabs look yellow and crusty. The first scab may break open, but it should re-heal into a smaller scab. Within a few days of a normal cold sore cycle, your cold sore scab should flake off naturally.


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