How long does it take for creatine to show results reddit

I have an idea of how creatine works and the type of results you should expect, but that's theoretical stuff. I'm considering using creatine but first I would be interested in hearing what you personally think about this substance based on your own experience.

  1. What side-effects did you actually start experiencing when you first began using it? How long did these effects last and did they go away once your body got used to creatine?

  2. How did your lifts compare before and right after you started using creatine? Exactly how noticeable were the results? Did results come from the first day you first took creatine or did it take a while? Let me know if a vegetarian too (because I am one) since I have heard that vegetarians naturally have less creatine in their bodies than normal so creatine supplementation yields even better results

  3. If you were using creatine for a while and then stopped, what happened to your workouts? Did they go down at all? If so, how much?

  4. Anything else you have say about creatine to someone who has never used it before?

I just started creatine yesterday, so I know very basic about it. I hope I'm going to get good result from this supplement, but can anyone tell me what I should expect from it? Like any side affects or what(effects) I should be expecting the first week, bi-weekly, monthly?

I'm using prolab creatine monohydrate.

I lift regularly, anywhere between 5-7 times a week I try to run 3 times a week, but I don't meet these goals a lot I'm eating at a caloric deficit and doing intermittent fasting 8 hour eating window and 16 hour fasting sometime 10 hour eating 14 hour fasting My macro looks like 30% protein 30% fat 40% carbs (usually carbs might go a lot higher).

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Posted byu/[deleted]11 years ago

I've been a on and off for about a year and a half at the gym now, but now due to being very single I'm easily able to attend 5 days a week. I'm 6"2 205lbs with decent muscle tone and I'm still trying to bulk up. I don't eat as much as I could but I'm working on that. My question to fittit is:

Is creatine worth it in my scenario?
If so, how long should I take it on and off (I read it was 2 weeks on, 2 weeks off type of thing)?
What are some side effects?

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I think I’m about to start using creatine to try and bulk up. I’ve been going to the gym for a few months now and have been drinking protein shakes. I’m 6’1” and 140lbs (if that matters) when should I take it (before/after working out) and how much to start?

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