How long can you have an implant without a crown

Dental implants are an excellent option for long-term tooth replacement, looking like and requiring only the maintenance given to natural teeth. But how long do dental implants normally last? The answer to this question depends largely on the patient’s choices and overall dental hygiene. 

The technology involved in dental implants has advanced over the last ten to twenty years to the point that implant failures due to rejection or functionality issues are now very rare. Misuse of the implant, pre-existing medical conditions and diseases are now the most likely culprits when an implant does fail. 

What Is A Dental Implant Made Of?

Implants last so long because of what they’re made of:

  1. Implant – The titanium or zirconia post that is surgically embedded into the jawbone of a patient and serves as a root for the crown.
  2. Abutment – The abutment is fastened to the implant and holds the crown.
  3. Crown – The crown is a ceramic false tooth that is mounted atop the abutment and provides the look and function of a natural tooth.

In general, the crown and abutment are more susceptible to damage than the implant itself because they are exposed and actively used in biting and chewing food.

How Long Do Dental Implants Last?

With regular brushing and flossing, the implant screw itself can last a lifetime, assuming the patient receives regular dental check-ups every 6 months. The crown, however, usually only lasts about 10 to 15 years before it may need a replacement due to wear and tear. However, maintaining excellent dental hygiene and using it cautiously could extend the life of the crown beyond 15 years. Mouth location is also a factor in predicting the life of a dental implant. Implants in the rear of the mouth are used more actively in chewing, which means they will likely wear out more quickly than implants near the front of the mouth.

Dental Implants vs. Other Tooth Replacement Options

A dental implant is a permanent solution for missing teeth and is now the preferred tooth-replacement option among patients and dentists. A dental implant completely replaces a natural tooth and can be used to bite and chew without slipping as can occur with dentures. And unlike dentures, implants are permanently placed, meaning that all cleaning — brushing twice daily and flossing — is done alongside your natural teeth. Because they are attached to the interior jawbone, implants don’t put strain on neighboring teeth as dental bridges tend to do and don’t require any special steps to clean.. 

How Can Dental Implants Fail?

Dental implants provide a long-term replacement for missing or damaged teeth when properly cared for, but there are several conditions or situations that can cause an implant to fail prematurely. Patients suffering from diabetes or other pre-existing medical conditions, such as cancer, will have a higher risk of their implant failing. As mentioned earlier, dental implants must be maintained through regular brushing and flossing as the gums and neighboring teeth are still vulnerable. Poor oral hygiene can lead to gum disease, which can also negatively impact the success of a dental implant. 

Dental Implants in Columbia, SC

If you are considering dental implants, you’ll want to see the best implant dentist in your area. Dr. Tom Trinkner of Columbia, SC is a skilled professional with almost 35 years in practice. For a consultation with Dr. Trinkner about dental implants or any other dental issue, please call 803-400-8729 or schedule online.  

Dental implants are prosthetic appliances that act as replacements for missing teeth. They substitute for a person’s natural teeth that require removal due to factors such as severe dental decay, facial injury, periodontal diseases, and so forth. A dental implant is a screw or frame composed of titanium and similar materials supporting tooth replacement. The first step entails anchoring the implant – a screw-like structure – into the jawbone at the position where the new tooth will be attested. After three to six months, the screw is completely fused with the bone, and a dental expert attaches a replacement crown to the tiny metal post protruding from the jaw. Now that we have deliberated upon the basics of a dental implant let’s try and answer the looming question of how many times a crown needs to be fixed on to the implant.

The Crown of a Dental Implant
Most patients receive an implant over several months. Several appointments, surgeries, and diagnostics tests are a veritable part of a dental implant procedure. As we have already mentioned, the dental crown placement atop the titanium implant on the jawbone is the concluding step of the process. It is noteworthy to highlight that it takes between three months to six months for a crown to be attested after the implant is fused into the jaw bone. The underlying criterion is that the titanium implant has to be adequately fused into the overall jaw. The entire place needs to be healed for the placement of the crown. 

In conclusion, opting for traditional dental implants is a long and tedious process, but it is worth all the patience as the culmination is fantastic. But, to counter the longevity of the dental implant procedure, one-day implants have been innovated that can be fixed into a person’s jaw on the day of the appointment. 

Schedule your appointment with a dentist today and get the treatment on time!

Can I leave a dental implant without a crown?

There is no real downside, except changes in the bite. Nothing will happen to the implants, but the teeth around them will start to shift. I would put a removable replacement in, like a flipper or retainer to keep the teeth around in place and save up for the crowns. No harm done.

Can you put a temporary crown on an implant?

Once the tissue has healed, your dentist will remove the healing cap and screw an abutment onto the implant. The abutment is the connector piece that firmly holds a crown to an implant. You will be given a temporary crown to wear for 4 to 6 weeks while the jawbone continues to gradually grow stronger.

Can I wait a year to get a crown?

Typically, you may be able to delay getting the crowns for 1-2 months but beyond that point, they risk breaking. That is how long a temporary crown can last, 1-2 months at most so please do not wait too long for the permanent crown!

What happens when a crown comes off an implant?

When the crown falls off, it can be replaced or reaffixed. If there is damage to the implant post, further repairs or even full replacement may be required. The most common cause is the cement that binds the crown to the rest of the tooth breaking down.

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