How fast can you get pregnant after depo

Marissa had one Depo Provera birth control injection and was able to get pregnant 18 months afterward.

Dr. Tami Prince, Ob/Gyn, Women’s Health and Wellness Center of Georgia

What Is the Depo-Provera Shot?

Are you considering Depo-Provera injections as a form of birth control? Are you already on Depo Provera or have stopped it and wondered what it is doing to your body?

If you were to conduct an online search of Depo-Provera, what would you find?

  • Are people asking about side effects?
  • How about the thousands of women searching for answers concerning pregnancy during or after getting the shot?

I am one of those women.

I had only one Depo shot, and I was searching for answers I did not have after stopping the shot. I am going to share my research about the Depo shot and how it affects getting pregnant in the future.

The synthetic progesterone in Depo-Provera, or DMPA, works by keeping the progesterone levels in the body at a higher level, essentially making the body think it's pregnant and preventing ovulation. The longer Depo-Provera is used, the longer it will take your body to restore normal menstrual cycles.

Can I Get Pregnant While I'm Using Depo-Provera Birth Control?

Yes, but the chances are low.

The failure rate for Depo-Provera is estimated at 0.3%, which means that three women out of a thousand get pregnant while using it.

Even though the Depo-Provera shot is meant to prevent pregnancy, there is still a chance you could become pregnant while on it. Here are some of the possible ways that the Depo shot may fail:

  • The first shot was not given within the first 5 days of a normal period and you have had intercourse before the shot (meaning you were already pregnant at the time the shot was administered).
  • You had unprotected intercourse within the first month of the shot before it was absolutely effective in your body.
  • You did not get the next shot within 12 weeks.

For reasons unknown, a few women each year get pregnant while on the shot, even after being on the shot for longer than the first three months and getting it at the recommended times.

Just remember: the only failure-proof birth control method is no intercourse at all. All other forms are 99% or lower. If you want to prevent pregnancy while on the shot, use a backup method like a condom or spermicide.

If you do become pregnant while on Depo-Provera, stop taking it immediately and contact your healthcare provider. There is little or no increased risk of birth defects, yet in some countries, it has been reported that babies conceived while their mothers were on the shot may have a lower birth rate.

How Long After My First Depo Shot Am I Protected?

Depo Provera typically provides immediate protection in the current cycle as long as it is given within five days of the start of menses, says Dr. Tami Prince. Women who receive their first Depo shot more than five days after a period, after delivering a baby, or after having an abortion should use a backup form of contraception, such as a condom, for seven days.

Can I Get Pregnant After Receiving One Depo-Provera Injection?

Yes, says Dr. Tami Prince, an OB-GYN with the Women’s Health and Wellness Center of Georgia:

  • "Pregnancy can occur after only one Depo Provera injection if the timing of the injection is off."

While the injection can be administered anytime during the cycle, she says, pregnancy must be ruled out first. This usually involves taking a pregnancy test at the first visit and another one in two weeks. If both pregnancy tests are negative, the Depo-Provera injection may be administered.

"If the injection is given without both negative pregnancy tests, and more than five days after menses, there is a possibility that pregnancy can occur, as ovulation would not have been accurately calculated," says Dr. Prince.

For women who have just delivered a baby, their normal menstrual cycle may not have returned. A health care provider might give a pregnancy test to ensure that the woman isn't pregnant again before administering the shot.

I Want to Get Pregnant. How Long Will it Take After I Stop Taking Depo Shots?

If you are trying to get pregnant and have had one injection, you aren't likely to get pregnant right away (although some women do). Remember that the injection lasts 12 weeks. After that, your body still has to adjust to get back to normal. For some women, it can take months to conceive. For me personally, it took 18 months after only one Depo shot to get pregnant.

What About Conceiving After Receiving Several Depo Shots?

Delayed fertility is a common issue in women who have used Depo-Provera as long-term contraception.

"Depo persists in the body for several months after the last injection," says Dr. Prince. "As such, 70% of women are able to conceive within 12 months. Fertility can be delayed up to two or more years in some cases."

As mentioned above, regular periods may not return for several weeks to several months. On average, most women will not ovulate for approximately 6-9 months, and some sources say that time frame may even be 6-18 months.

Studies on the subject don't show any evidence that using Depo-Provera delays a woman's ability to conceive. In a study published in the Journal of Biosocial Science of nearly 800 women who had recently stopped using Depo-Provera, the median wait to conceive was 5.5 months. Adding the time that the last injection was effective (3 months) extends the median delay to 8.5 months.

Can I Get Pregnant Even if My Period Hasn't Resumed Yet?

Yes, about 70% of women will conceive within 12 months after the last injection even if normal menses has not returned. As long as normal ovulation has returned, pregnancy may occur. Ovulation occurs first, then your period, so theoretically you can conceive without your first period after discontinuing Depo shots. Once your menstrual cycles resume, you should have no increased difficulty conceiving, particularly if your periods were regular prior to using Depo-Provera.

If a Depo injection is given without two negative pregnancy tests and more than five days after your period, there is a chance you could get pregnant.

How You Can Get Pregnant After Stopping Depo Provera Shots

If you would like to get pregnant after taking the Depo shot, here are some things you can do:

  • Begin to track your ovulation with an ovulation kit, especially if your periods are not occurring once a month.
  • Track your periods and make a note when they become regular.
  • Have intercourse every other day from the time you stop your period until your next period, especially around ovulation.
  • Take prenatal vitamins to give your body what it needs to support a pregnancy.
  • If you don't get pregnant after a year of actively trying and you are under 35, visit your OB-GYN.
  • If you are over 35, visit your OB-GYN after six months of actively trying to conceive.

Above all, be patient. It may take a while to become pregnant after stopping the shots.

Your chance of getting pregnant while using Depo Provera is 0.3%, which means that three women out of a thousand get pregnant while using it.

The Depo Detox Diet to Get Pregnant

Some women, after stopping the Depo shot, turn to a detox diet to help their bodies get rid of the synthetic progesterone lingering in their bodies.

The detox diet helps to flush the synthetic progesterone from the liver and may help with becoming pregnant.

The herbs on this list, particularly dandelion root and milk thistle, encourage detoxification, according to a study published in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine.

A detox diet may include the following:

  • a lot of water
  • fresh fruits and vegetables (and their juices)
  • herbal teas
  • dandelion root
  • milk thistle
  • turmeric

Again, be sure to consult your doctor before going on any kind of detox diet.

Note: If you are considering one of these detox diets, first consult your doctor. Some of the herbs may not be suitable for you or may be dangerous for an underlying condition you may have. You also should wait a few weeks to allow your body to rid itself of the hormone and to heal.

Menstrual Periods on the Depo Shot

After the first Depo shot, many women will experience irregular or unpredictable bleeding as the body gets used to the synthetic hormone.

For many women on the Depo shot, periods will be light and often disappear after the first few months on the shot (that is called amenorrhea, or the absence of a period).

Other women may experience heavy bleeding, which may last only for the length of a period or may last for weeks on end.

Depo Injection

Advantages and Disadvantages of the Depo Shot

If you are considering Depo Provera as a form of birth control, be aware of the advantages and disadvantages.


more than 99% effective

not effective against STDs

protection lasts for three months

loss of bone minerals, which can cause osteoperosis

less expensive than other birth control

quarterly doctors visits

no need to remember it, other than doctor visits

weight gain

chance of not having periods while on shot

effects last for a while even after last shot

may prevent uterine fibroids

many unpleasant side effects

Side Effects of the Depo Shot

Depo-Provera has many unpleasant side effects, a few of which are also found in other forms of birth control:

  • irregular bleeding, heavy bleeding, or no bleeding at all
  • weight gain
  • headaches
  • abdominal discomfort
  • hair growth or loss
  • nervousness
  • dizziness
  • fatigue
  • breast tenderness
  • acne
  • fluid retention or bloating
  • increased risk of bone fracture (decreased bone density)

Weight gain is one of the side effects that bothers women the most. In fact, for every year a woman is on Depo-Provera, she gains additional weight, nearly doubling the weight gain from the initial year.

A combination of some of these side effects—namely fatigue, lack of bleeding (amenorrhea), breast tenderness, and bloating—can make some women feel like they are pregnant.

Serious side effects include anaphylactic reactions (severe allergic reactions) and ectopic pregnancy.

How Long Should I Use Depo-Provera?

This form of birth control is for those who wish not to get pregnant at all or who wish not to get pregnant for a long while after giving birth.

The recommended use for this shot is no more than two years, unless no other form of birth control works or is acceptable, due to the fact that it may cause bones to weaken from calcium loss.

Stopping the Depo Shot

After experiencing the side effects of Depo-Provera or wanting to become pregnant, many women choose to stop getting the shots. To do so, contact your health care provider and ask to cancel your next shot. You may be asked about another form of birth control, or if you need any more information.

  • When you stop taking the shot, it may take several weeks to several months to have a regular period again.
  • You may once again experience irregular bleeding and abnormal periods until the hormone is out of your system.
  • Most women may not experience ovulation for approximately 6-9 months after stopping the shot, while others may get pregnant soon after stopping the shot.
  • If you want to stop the shot yet still don't want to become pregnant, use some other form of birth control.

Depo Shot

For each question, choose the best answer. The answer key is below.

  1. The first shot of Depo Provera should be taken:
    • before a period
    • during the first 5 days of a period
  2. The Depo shot is:
    • 99% effective
    • 100% effective
  3. The Depo shot only contains:
    • synthetic estrogen
    • synthetic progesterone
  4. Periods on the Depo shot may:
    • disappear completely
    • continue on forever

Answer Key

  1. during the first 5 days of a period
  2. 99% effective
  3. synthetic progesterone
  4. disappear completely

As you can see, the Depo-Provera shots are a long-term birth control option that may not be for everyone.

Be sure to make an informed decision if you are choosing this shot as your birth control.


  1. How Progesterone Works
  2. FDA Information about Depo Provera
  3. American Pregnancy (Depo Provera)
  4. Family Doctor (Depo Provera)
  5. WebMD (Depo Provera)
  6. Herbs for Detox
  7. Return of fertility after use of the injectable contraceptive Depo Provera
  8. The Long-Term Health Implications of Depo Provera
  9. Detoxification in Naturopathic Medicine: A Survey

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and does not substitute for diagnosis, prognosis, treatment, prescription, and/or dietary advice from a licensed health professional. Drugs, supplements, and natural remedies may have dangerous side effects. If pregnant or nursing, consult with a qualified provider on an individual basis. Seek immediate help if you are experiencing a medical emergency.

Questions & Answers

Question: Can I get pregnant after only one shot of Depo?

Answer: Yes, it's possible.

Question: I just got a Depo shot today, and it was my very first shot. I got it on the first day of my menstrual cycle then I had unprotected sex. What are the chances of pregnancy?

Answer: Anytime you have sex there's a chance of pregnancy. If you had sex while on your menstrual cycle, your chances of becoming pregnant are slim. That is not to say that it doesn't happen, however. From this point forward I highly suggest using some sort of protection if you are not intending on becoming pregnant.

Question: I have been off my Depo for a month & we are trying to get pregnant. How long before the Depo will leave my system so we can start trying?

Answer: It varies from woman to woman.

Question: I've had two Depo shots, and decided to stop getting them. My period recently came back. I'm trying to have a baby. Is there a possibility that it will take a long time to get pregnant?

Answer: It is different for every woman. It might happen immediately, or it might take a while.

Question: After 84 days of being on the depo shot and then stopping it, is there a possibility to get pregnant?

Answer: Yes, there is a possibility, though it sometimes takes longer than expected.

Question: I was on the Depo Provera shot for three years and stopped taking it back in 2014. Unfortunately, since then, I have been unable to get pregnant. Could something be wrong?

Answer: I think you should speak with your doctor.

Question: I gave birth on March 16th, and two days later I got the depo shot. Four weeks after that, my husband and I had unprotected sex. Is there a chance I could have gotten pregnant? We've been having unprotected sex since then.

Answer: You should be protected by the shot. Of course, if you're not ready to have another baby just yet, it might not hurt to use other protection as well.

Question: I have been on the Depo shot for some weeks now. I found out that I am pregnant, but I have decided to abort. Will the shot still work?

Answer: The shot will not affect the baby in any way if that is your worry. Otherwise, please speak to a medical professional about your concerns. I would not suggest consulting the internet about this matter.

Question: I've just gotten my second depo shot. My boyfriend and I had unprotected sex. Is there a possibility that I can get pregnant?

Answer: As long as you got the shot on time, you should be protected. That being said, if you are not looking to become pregnant I suggest using another form of protection along with the shot.

Question: I’ve been on the Depo shot for about a year and a few months. My last shot was scheduled for January 18th, but I didn’t go. How soon could I get pregnant? I haven’t had a period in over a year. How long does it take for Depo to leave your system completely?

Answer: The time it takes for someone to get pregnant after being on Depo Provera can vary. It can happen right away, or it can happen after more than a year.

Question: I took the depo shot six weeks after giving birth, although my period hasn't resumed as of yet. Could I be pregnant if I had unprotected sex right after I got the shot?

Answer: You are usually instructed to wait several weeks before resuming sexual activity. It is possible to become pregnant then.

Question: Can I use Depo even though I have never been pregnant?

Answer: Yes.

Question: I was on the Depo shot for about five years on and off. Will that affect my chances of getting pregnant in any way?

Answer: I don't believe it will be any different. As I am not a medical professional, I suggest speaking with your doctor.

Question: On June 27th, I had an abortion. I took the depo right after. September 11th was the next shot, and I missed that day but on the 10th of September this year we tried, and I waited two weeks. Both tests were negative, but I feel weird sometimes. Is there still a possibility that I am pregnant?

Answer: Chances are that you are still feeling the effects of the shot.

Question: Can you get pregnant if you are four days behind on your shot?

Answer: While it is unlikely if you've been on the shot for a while, yes.

Question: I got off depo. I was supposed to get a shot on January 30th, 2019. I decided to not go and I am worried. I had unprotected sex with my boyfriend on March 31st, 2019. Would I get pregnant?

Answer: while it's possible that you might still be covered under the effects of the shot, it is possible to become pregnant, especially when you have unprotected sex.

Question: Does depo make you ovulate or does that mean you are pregnant?

Answer: Depo stops ovulation from happening, which prevents pregnancy.

Question: Can I get pregnant after stopping the birth control depo for three months?

Answer: It's possible.

Question: I've just gotten off of Depo after eight years. I spotted a little so far. I usually get my cycle two weeks before my next shot. Could I be pregnant?

Answer: It's possible that your hormones are readjusting.

Question: I had my first Depo shot four months ago and my period is just now coming back. Recently, I had unprotected sex. Can pregnancy happen now?

Answer: It's possible, but it might take a while.

Question: I started having my normal period after I stopped taking the Depo shot. Will I get pregnant soon?

Answer: There's no way to know. It is different for every woman.

Question: Just got off depo July 19th 2018. I took 2 home tests and they were positive. I went to docs and that test was negative. I still think I am pregnant? How long should I wait?

Answer: I would suggest waiting a week or so. If you still feel pregnant, it might just be the effects of the shot.

Question: My next Depo shot should have been on Jan. 19, but I decided not to get it. I then had irregular menstruation and had unprotected intercourse with my husband. Will I get pregnant?

Answer: It's possible, but it might take a while for you to get pregnant.

Question: Can I get pregnant after my period which came immediately after I stopped taking my Depo shots?

Answer: For some women it happens immediately, but for others it can take a while.

Question: I've been on the depo for a year and one month. Can I get pregnant, and if so, how long will it take?

Answer: You probably can't get pregnant, but how long it takes varies from woman to woman.

Question: I was on Depo for nine years. I have been off of it for five months with no period. Can you get pregnant before your first period?

Answer: Yes, it's possible.

Question: Can I get pregnant after a depo shot?

Answer: Yes, it's possible.

Question: I had four Depo shots, and the last one is due on the 15th of March. How soon can I get pregnant after the last shot?

Answer: It depends on a number of factors. You could get pregnant immediately, or it could take a while.

Question: My last depo shot was May 11, 2017. I was supposed to go back August 1, 2017, but I didn't go. It's been 10 months still no period and no pregnancy. What do I do?

Answer: If you have questions about getting pregnant after using the Depo shot, you should speak with a doctor.

Question: I have been off my Depo for a month & we are trying to get pregnant. How long before the Depo will leave my system so we can start trying ?

Answer: If you reread the article, it explains it all. It is different for every woman.

Question: I started getting Depo shots in 2007, and stopped in March of 2017. My period still has not returned. I want to get pregnant. What should I do?

Answer: At this point, you can follow the tips in the article or contact your doctor.

Question: I was supposed to get my shot Tuesday but I had unprotected sex last week and I feel funny. Can I be pregnant?

Answer: It's possible, but you also may be feeling the effects of the shot still.

Question: I’ve only had one Depo shot. I was supposed to get my second on May 15th and I never did. Can I get pregnant?

Answer: It's possible, but it may take a while.

Question: I had my Depo on February 22nd, and on 25th, I had unprotected sex. Is there a possibility that I got pregnant?

Answer: Yes. Usually, when they give you the Depo shot they give you the pamphlet to read, and it says not to have unprotected sex for a few weeks.

Question: I've been on the depo shot for over five years now. I missed it on the 19th of April 2018 and had sex on the 30th of April. I didn't get my depo done until the 15th of May. I feel so sick. Do you think I'm pregnant?

Answer: What you are feeling is most likely from missing the shot and then going back on it. If you feel as if you may be pregnant, take a test.

Question: My girlfriend says she is pregnant. She missed her Depo shot by a couple of days but was getting the shot religiously before we were together, and during the two years we have been together. What is the possibility that she is indeed pregnant in this scenario?

Answer: Pregnancy can occur even when taking birth control or getting the Depo shot.

Question: I had been on the Depo shot for six months, and I stopped taking it on March 28th. My period then began on April 1st. Can I get pregnant immediately after my period?

Answer: Some women can get pregnant immediately, while for others it takes quite a while.

Question: I’ve been on the depo for 2 years and maybe a half. I got my last shot November I was supposed to get it the beginning of February. I’ve had unprotected sex with my spouse since... I’ve taken 3 pregnancy tests and they all came out negative. Could I possibly be pregnant and the depo is messing with the tests or am I still protected from the depo?

Answer: Depo doesn't mess with pregnancy tests. Chances are you still have it in your system. It may take awhile to get pregnant.

Question: I have been on the Depo shot for two years. I missed my last shot date on December 22. Is there a chance I could be pregnant? My boyfriend and I don’t use condoms. What are the chances of me getting pregnant soon?

Answer: Anytime you have sex you can get pregnant. How long before you can get pregnant depends on a number of factors. Some women get pregnant right away, but for most, it takes a while.

Question: I have only had one Depo Provera shot and have gotten my period within a month of the medicine running out. Do you think I can still get pregnant?

Answer: It's possible, but I too only got one shot and it took about 18 months. It is different for every woman. It could happen immediately or can happen after a while.

Question: I’ve been on the depo shot for four years and I've stopped having my period but I was wondering if I can still get pregnant?

Answer: You can still get pregnant even though you don't have periods. It is harder to determine when to try to get pregnant. I suggest speaking with your doctor.

Question: I got the Depo shot on the 9th, and then I had unprotected sex the 11th, but I still haven’t gotten my period. Could I be pregnant?

Answer: Anytime you have unprotected sex you can become pregnant. The Depo shot usually does not fully enter your system for at least a few weeks, so it is possible to get pregnant even after the first shot. I suggest taking a pregnancy test if you think you might be pregnant.

Question: I got my first Depo shot in March; then I was supposed to go back this April 20th. I got my period on the 4th of April. I then had intercourse through the 14th. Could I be pregnant? I've been getting some pregnancy symptoms.

Answer: Anytime you have sex you can get pregnant. It might also be from the side effects of the shot.

Question: I've been on the depo for a year. I've been having an unprotected sex and irregular periods. Is there a chance for me to get pregnant now?

Answer: It's possible.

Question: I have had one Depo shot and missed my second. I had unprotected sex a day after, and am now experiencing some light bleeding. What could this mean?

Answer: The bleeding could be from sex.

Question: I have been on the depo shot for five years, and just recently stopped taking it. How soon will I become pregnant?

Answer: There is no way to know. It is different for every woman.

Question: I had my first Depo shot on the 29th of January, and I just had my first period from February 27th to March 6th. Is it safe for me to have sex after my first period?

Answer: I believe so, but you might want to use another form of protection just in case.

Question: I have regular periods. I have been off Depo since October. Can I get pregnant?

Answer: It's possible.

Question: I will get my depo shot from February 16 - March 10. If I have sex during that period, will I get pregnant?

Answer: If this is your first shot, then yes, there's a possibility. If this is your second or third shot, there's less of a chance you will get pregnant.

Question: I had 2 Depo shots. The last one was in September of 2017. I had my period on January 12th, 2018. It lasted a week, and then I had another period on February 18th, 2018. I took a test yesterday, and it had a very faint thin line. Am I pregnant?

Answer: If two lines appeared within the first 10 minutes, even though one is faint, it could mean pregnancy.

© 2012 Marissa

Nelly on July 16, 2020:

I did use depo once I want to fall pregnant now

Marissa (author) from United States on May 12, 2020:

Mlon, you should be protected by the shot at this point, but if you are trying to avoid pregnancy, I would suggest using an alternate method of birth control.

Mlon on May 06, 2020:

I had my first short on January this year and I had to return for my second shot on the 18th of April but I couldn't and ever since then I've been having unprotected sex. Should I be worried?

Violet on April 06, 2020:

I had 1 shot in October 2018, period resumed normally and regular In June 2019, I’ve been ttc this whole time and still nothing I’m at 18 months past the last shot

Marissa (author) from United States on April 05, 2020:

Impatient, one way to find out if you're ovulating is to take an ovulation test. They are available in stores and in pharmacies.

Lilly❤ on April 05, 2020:

Hie.. I had my last shot lastyear August and i Haven't received my period since then.. Are there any chances of me getting pregnant now?

Peah on April 04, 2020:

It took me almost 2 years to get pregnant after using deli. I just miscarriage on the 19th. We are trying again.

Impatient on March 30, 2020:

It’s been 14 months since my last depo shot. Still haven’t gotten my period back. Am I still ovulating? Tried talking to my doctor but she said she won’t discuss anything until it’s been a full 2 years. My DS is will be 2 in a couple months and we are wanting to try for baby #2. I’m so sad it’s taking so long. I was never warned it could take so long to conceive. I personally do Not recommend the depo.

SieraB on March 24, 2020:

I was on the depo for about 4 years then got off and got pregnant with my son after 8 months. I got back on the depo when my son was 6 weeks old and was on it for 9 months then got off again. We’ve been trying for baby #2 for about 10 months since getting off the depo and still no luck. I hope we can get pregnant before the 12 month mark because that’s when my doctor wants to see me to help with fertility. It makes me nervous not being able to because I know infertility is a very hard/long road.

Florence on March 16, 2020:

Hi there, I had my last depo shot in September of 2019 and was due for another shot in December but decided against it..then on January of this year 2020 I had my period but missed it again on February and I am still waiting for this month's result..I've had two pregnancy tests in February and this month (march) both which turned out to be negative. If I don't see my period again this month, is there any chance I could be pregnant? I've had my shots only twice after using contraception pills.

Sandrah on March 08, 2020:

I have been on depo for a period of 3 years but i got pregnant immediately i stopped taking .i.e in the second month .My question is this normal, is my pregnancy safe?

Melissa on January 16, 2020:

Had last shot August 29th 2019! Still haven’t gotten anything yet.

Paige on January 05, 2020:

I’ve been on the depo for roughly 3 years and would like to come off to try for baby #2. What is it gong to be like? And how long do you think it will take as I’ve been on it for so long?

Thank you

chella on November 24, 2019:

had my first depo shot last june 15 and it ends on sept 7,, i didn't take second shot then,, i actually got my period last sept. 8 - October 7, almost 1 month my period stopped,,, now i never had my period,, is it possible to get pregnant ,,anyways after my period ends we used condom if we had sex with my husband?

Alvin on October 10, 2019:

Dealing with this Girl and she just had a kid she only has gotten one shot and she got a period after that. it’s 19 days late now. is she pregnant?

Marissa (author) from United States on September 17, 2019:

Tt, if it was unprotected, then yes.

Tt on September 16, 2019:

I have sex after 2 days i take depo its chance of pregnacy?

Marissa (author) from United States on September 06, 2019:

Pretty lady, yes, that can be normal.

Pretty lady on September 04, 2019:

Ive been off depot shot 12 month from last injection my period return to normal 1month now I didn not conceived is it normal

Hayley on August 13, 2019:

Ive been off depo shot 8 months from last injection no period yet when will i be able to conceive

mima on August 12, 2019:

Have been in depo just one shot and have not seen my periods since I got the depo and it has expired today can I get pregnant when no periods at all since I got the depo

Marissa (author) from United States on April 15, 2019:

Kaley, it could mean a number of things.

Kaley on April 09, 2019:

I stopped depo in 2017. Got my period December 2018 had it December January and February now nothing for march or april what does that mean

Marissa (author) from United States on March 17, 2019:

Pie, it's most likely still the side effects of the shot.

pie on March 14, 2019:

my last shot ended january 2 this year and my period hasnt come back yet,everything that i feel when im pregnantn i am feeling now.did a urine test 3 times shows negative result,

could i be pregnant?

Marissa (author) from United States on March 09, 2019:

Racheal, the only way to know is to take a test.

Marissa (author) from United States on February 23, 2019:

Shontell, yes, it's possible. There's usually a 4 week waiting period to have unprotected sex.

shontell on February 20, 2019:

Ive use depo shot once and that was 2016 or 2017 and never went back on it. I got pregnant March 25th 2018 and had my baby January 3rd 2019. I waited 6 weeks after my check up and they prescribed me to depo so I took the depo shot and had unprotected sex two days after. Can I get pregnant even if it's my second time taking the shot and not waiting for a week to go by before I have unprotected sex?

Marissa (author) from United States on January 28, 2019:

Ann, you should speak with a doctor.

Miah on January 13, 2019:

I have used depo shot only once and on the 31 oct 2018 n my next date is 23 Jan 2018 and i am not visiting a doc again cause I want to fall pregnant, if a have unprotected sex immediately after seeing my periods are there chances that I fall pregnant

ann Mutika on January 09, 2019:

I have had deposit for about 2years,stopped and used herbal contraceptives for a couple of months and from August 2018 have not been on any birth is a year now and some months am still waiting I have regular periods and I spot my ovulation dates well.what might be the problem?

Marissa (author) from United States on January 02, 2019:

262632, your doctor will do an ultrasound and give you an estimate.

262632 on December 30, 2018:

I was on depo for 2 years. I missed my last shot i was supposed to get in July.

Im pregnant. If I dont have a period how am i supposed to know when my conception date was?

Marissa (author) from United States on December 28, 2018:

Kayla, you should speak with your doctor.

Kayla on December 19, 2018:

I have been on the depo shot for exactly a year. My appointment is tomorrow and I'm stopping it. How soon should I start trying?

Marissa (author) from United States on November 28, 2018:

Margie, it can take quite a while.

Margie on November 28, 2018:

I got only one shot on 5th december and am not yet pregnant till now

Kelsey on November 15, 2018:

I am suppose get my next shot in two days. I have had 3 shots. How long should it take to get pregnant?

Mille on November 13, 2018:

I been in depo in June until August so I can get pregnant

Marissa (author) from United States on November 03, 2018:

Rams, as it is already stated in the article, it is different for every woman.

Marissa (author) from United States on November 03, 2018:

Gianna, the only way to know is to take a test.

Rams on November 02, 2018:

I had five shot of depo provera but decided to become pregnant by ignoring the next shot which was to be taking on 18th september what is my chance of getting pregnant

Gianna on November 01, 2018:

I got my first drop shot in April I was supposed to go back in July to get my second shot but never got it , it’s now November 1st on October 30 I had unprotected sex and he ejaculated in me . The next day I start bleeding can I be pregnant?

Ellie on October 22, 2018:

I was on the Depo injection for 3 years. When I went to the doctors to have this I asked if there was any bad effects to this and they said no. Always when I was on it about 2 years into it people told me they have heard bad stuff after you come off it, so I went back to the doctors and asked if I needed a break and if anything will affect me after wards and they said no not at all you are fine. So I stayed on it for another year. Well I then had a period on it for my first time in 3 years so I went to the doctors they told me come off for the month have a normal period and go back on it. I decided not to go back on it as I wanted to start trying for a baby. Well I’ve now been of it just over a year. I have had irregular periods for this last year. I have a period for 3 weeks sometimes. I will then come off for 4 days or so and come back on. Or it will be the case of having a 2 week period 5 day break a week period 4 days break then another 2 week period. Then I might be lucky to have 13-18 days off then I have another again. But with all this I get bad stomach cramps, this month is the first out of the last year that my period is so heavy it’s very watering but there is so much there. I’ve never been this heavy. Is it a thing to worry about as I haven’t experienced this? Or just a normal thing. Could you please help. Thankyou.

Marissa (author) from United States on October 21, 2018:

Aisha, anytime you have sex you can become pregnant. Abdominal pain is usually not a sign of pregnancy. You may get light cramping, but that is the extent of it. If you think you might be pregnant, you should take a test.

Aisha on October 19, 2018:

I have been on depo for three months now and it ended on august,i have not seen my periods until last week after having sex with my patner then i had my periods next day..which took almost two days,and after a week now am experiencing some abdominal it possible that am now pregnant

priscah on September 27, 2018:

do i had my first shot and it ended on 5th September... i had unprotected sex 3weeks there a possibility of getting pregnant?

Ash on September 25, 2018:

My last depo jab was 18 months ago, i have been having unprotected sex every few times a month and i cant seem to get pregnant, should I be worried?

Marissa (author) from United States on September 24, 2018:

Michelle, reread the article.

Marissa (author) from United States on September 24, 2018:

Wendy, it is different for every woman.

Marissa (author) from United States on September 24, 2018:

Jess, you should speak with a doctor.

Michelle on September 22, 2018:

Im on a depo shot and i am trying to get pregnant what should i do

Wendy Orengo on September 19, 2018:

Hi I had my First Depo June 7 and had sex 3 days laiter I’m still haven unprotected sex I was sopost to get my second one on September 14 but did go and I’m still haven sex can I get pregnant and for the first to month I had heavy bleeding and at the big inning of this moth I bleed a little unly

Jess on September 19, 2018:

My last depo shot was November 2016 and I have been trying ever since to get pregnant, I have 3 kids now and want to try for another I was on depo for 4 years and I still can’t get pregnant! I take daily vitamins I have a prenatal vitamin I take before bed and I am still not pregnant I have sex roughly 9x a month I don’t understand the issue I have been having regular mental cycles not sure any ideas ??

Marissa (author) from United States on September 05, 2018:

Juanita, chances are you are experiencing the side effects of the shot.

Marissa (author) from United States on September 05, 2018:

Unknown, you might still be protected from the shot, but you won't know for sure for a few weeks.

Juanita on September 05, 2018:

Hi, In June i found that i had an ovarian cyst, my gynea did laparoscopic surgery and removed it as well as did a DNC. I had my period for a week. In July, i was not on my period however my GP administered my depo shot. I have now had my period for the last week.

Is this something i need to be concerned about?

Unknown on August 30, 2018:

So I been on depo for years and my last shot was due August 1 that was the last day and I have been having protected sex until tonight the condom broke what would I do

Marissa (author) from United States on August 26, 2018:

NDring, it is suggested that you do not have unprotected sex for the first several weeks after getting your first shot.

Marissa (author) from United States on August 26, 2018:

Devine, if you are not interested in pregnancy right now, I suggest using a backup method.

NDring on August 23, 2018:

I Got My First Depo Shot This Month August 2018 In The Beginning Of The Month And I Had Sex The Same Month But At The Ending Is There Chances That’s I Won’t Get Pregnant.?

Devine on August 22, 2018:

I use depo for 0ne time only i started it may 15,2018 and i suppose to take my 2nd injection august 8 but i not return until now but i dont have sex with my husband untill now is it safe? Thank you

09275111394 on August 17, 2018:

I got shot may 17 2018 and i should be back at august 10 2018 for second shot. Unfortunately i get back the shot at august 16 2018 is it possible to get pregnant ? August 9 is my last sex.. Till i had my second shot. Am i pregnant already?

Jazmin on August 13, 2018:

I had my the shot for a year and I stopped a year didn’t have my period for 6 months and it’s more regular but I haven’t had luck to get pregnant ? What should I do

DRainy on August 08, 2018:

So, I got on the Depo shot 5 days ago on August 3rd and I had unprotected sex on August 8th, should I take a plan b? Or is the shot already in action?

Cayden09 on August 08, 2018:

Hi I was 2 weeks 2 days late having my depo ,due to the recpentionist getting the days completely wrong . The doctor booked me straight in that day and gave me the injection.No pregnancy tests,I’ve been on the depo for 6 years .do you think there’s a chance I could be pregnant?

Ana almanza on August 01, 2018:

I got my first shot on 2/24/17 after having my first baby i went back to get it on may but dirent went back on august because i want to get pregnant on 9/17/17 i star spotting pinkishh for like a week was not alot it was just spotting light pink on october i started having more bleeding

Marissa (author) from United States on July 28, 2018:

Ariel, you should be protected by the shot. that being said, if you are not interested in pregnancy right now, you should use a backup method.

Marissa (author) from United States on July 28, 2018:

Darling, by that time, you should have been protected by the shot. That being said, if you are not interested in pregnancy right now you should use a backup method.

Lolo on July 27, 2018:

I've only had one depo shot and a few days after the 12 weeks past a had a regular period and around 13 days after my period I had sex could I possibly get pregnant

Ariel on July 25, 2018:

Ive been on the depo since march of last year. I just got my shot again on monday of this week. I had unprotected intercourse and the dude came in me. Will i or a possibility i can get pregnant ?

darling on July 22, 2018:

I have my first shot last april 19 2018..then i have unprotected sex on july 14 there a change im getting pregnant?

Erica on July 17, 2018:

I had my first depo on the 9th of JUNE , this July 5th starts my irregular bleeding which is Spotting , i had sex using condoms during my 8th day of my spotting cycle and also had unprotected sex during my 13th day of spotting could I be pregnant during this period of time ?

Marissa (author) from United States on July 17, 2018:

Delphine, I suggest speaking with a doctor.

Marissa (author) from United States on July 17, 2018:

Maria, it's possible, but it might take a while.

Marissa (author) from United States on July 17, 2018:

Desmah, it's possible, but could also take a while.

Marissa (author) from United States on July 17, 2018:

Monica, you should speak with a doctor.

Marissa (author) from United States on July 17, 2018:

Crissy, it's possible, but it's also possible that you are still suffering from the effects of the shot.

Delphine on July 14, 2018:

Hy i took depo provera shot on Nov 2016 and never gone for the next injection since then I've been having irregular periods and it's the 17 month now am not getting pregnant what might be the problem

Maria on July 11, 2018:

I only took the shot on January all the way to April haven't been on birth control and haven't had a period can I be pregnant or get pregnant?

Desmah on July 10, 2018:

I have been using depo from 2014 until this year on the 3 January and while am using depo I should not seeing my period but after stopping depo I should have return to clinic on March but I didn't get back on 31 June I started to seeing my period so it's possible that I can get a pregnant

Monica jesse on July 10, 2018:

Add Your Comment what can ldo to get pregnant l use adepo for nine years and is two years without pregnant what can ldo. plz help

Crissy on July 08, 2018:

I only had one deposit shot and missed my second one. I started bleeding right away but didn't bleed when I had my first deposit shot is it possible I could get pregnant?

Marissa (author) from United States on July 08, 2018:

Patty, you should speak to your doctor.

Marissa (author) from United States on July 08, 2018:

Bailey, it's possible that the shot is still messing with your cycles.

Patty on July 05, 2018:

I been off deposit for 2 years n I been trying to get pregnant but still nothin n it's only been to years

Baileymalae on June 27, 2018:

My last Depo shot was in February I was due to get one May 6th I skip the shot because my boyfriend and I wanted to try for a baby I got a period May 10th then again when May 22nd I spotted on June 10th and 11th But I haven't seen another period Can I be pregnant

Baileymalae on June 27, 2018:

My last shot of depo was in February. I was due again in May 6 I decided not to take it. May 10 my first period it lasted 6 days. Then again on May 22 that one lasted 6 days Then I spotted June 10,11 and haven't had a period since. Could I be pregnant? I took 2 test 1 2 weeks ago and the 1st was right before I started spotting. They both was negative

Ruby on June 25, 2018:

Hi I got my first depo shot on June 6, which was not during my period(May 25). The doctor told me to wait a week to have sex, so me and my boyfriend had unprotected sex on June 13, but he did not ejaculate inside me. It is June 25 and I have not started my period. On August 22 I will be switching from the depo shot the nexplanon implant. But is there still a chance I may be pregnant ? I am very worried.

Ruby on June 25, 2018:

Hi I took my first depo shot on June 6, but my last period was on May 25. My doctor told me the shot will be more effective within a week so I should wait until then to have sex. I had unprotected sex on June 13, but my partner did not ejaculate inside me. It is June 25 and I have not started my period yet. Is there a chance I could be pregnant?

Sherri on June 20, 2018:

I did my first shot and had light spotting half way through. So I didn’t receive another one. My cycle came a week ahead of schedule and has been on for two weeks now. When my left ovary goes to ache my bleeding flows heavy. Is this normal?

Anna on June 18, 2018:

I was on the shot from September the 8, 2017 and my last shot was due on June 6, 2018. I didn't take it because I wanted to get pregnant but I'm not sure because I didn't even see my period as yet....I did it Friday is it possible that I may be pregnant?

Marissa (author) from United States on June 12, 2018:

Mirriam, it's possible that the shot is still in your system. It can take women quite awhile to become pregnant after stopping the shot.

Marissa (author) from United States on June 12, 2018:

Denise, it's possible, but it also could be from the shot.

Mirriam on June 11, 2018:

I used depo for 1 year 6 months and my last injection expired in January 2018.I really want to get pregnant but am not getting what could the problem? Could be that the depo is working? If when am likely to pregnant or what should i do?

Denise Manuel on June 08, 2018:

hey .. So I just started back on depo on may 8th and My cycle was due on the 15th of may but by me getting the shot it didn't show up. I had unprotected sex on the 19th 11 days after my first injection . I started bleeding on the 2nd of June my question is there a possibility that I may be pregnant?

Dayzhana on June 04, 2018:

I only had one Depo shot which was in December 2018 and didn’t like it so I didn’t get another one which was due in March 2018. I got my regular cycle back about two months ago. Can I get pregnant now ?

Shavonya on May 22, 2018:

Hello I was on depo for 7 1/2 years and my last shot was May 2017. In March I started getting my regular period that lasts between 4 to 5 days. I’m trying to get pregnant again. I was wondering is it possible if, I can get pregnant now? And do you think I’m ovulating?

Marissa (author) from United States on May 20, 2018:

Maria, the amount of time it takes to get pregnant differs for every woman. There's no way to know.

Marissa (author) from United States on May 20, 2018:

Mwende, any time you have sex, pregnancy is possible.


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