How do you say can i call you in spanish

If you want to know how to say Can I call you tonight? in Spanish, you will find the translation here. We hope this will help you to understand Spanish better.

Here is the translation and the Spanish word for Can I call you tonight?:

¿Puedo llamarte esta noche? Edit

You can rejoice in that and call it increased efficiency, or you can call it what it is - coercion and exploitation.

Pueden ustedes alegrarse de esto y denominarlo mejora de la eficiencia, o pueden llamarlo por su nombre: [...]

You can call the Fund Office with the address change or you can fill out and mail in one of [...]

the change of address cards in this booklet.

Usted puede llamar a la Oficina del Fondo para cambiar su direcci�n o puede completar uno [...]

de las tarjetas de cambio de direcci�n


en este folleto y enviarlo por correo.

You can still receive long

[...] distance calls and you can call toll-free numbers.

Usted podr� recibir llamadas de larga distancia [...]

y marcar n�meros sin cargo.

You can call the health plan if you have any questions about your benefits or services or if you need [...] [...]

of a disability or interpreter services.

servicios o si necesita acomodo especial debido a una discapacidad o los servicios de un int�rprete.

Ask if the reporter can call back when you are free to talk without [...]

distractions, even if it's only a short time later.

Pregunta si te puede devolver la llamada cuando puedas hablar sin [...]

interrupciones, aunque sea unos minutos despu�s.

Or, you can call Medicare at the [...]

number above and tell them what information you are looking for.

O puede llamar a Medicare al n�mero [...]

antes mencionado y diga qu� informaci�n est� buscando.

(HU) I would like to ask my fellow Member a brief

[...] [...] as follows: Do you think the fact that the Irish Government can call a referendum [...] [...]

wants is part of the democratic process?

(HU) Me gustar�a formular a Sus Se�or�as una breve pregunta que reza as�: �creen

[...] [...] hecho de que el Gobierno irland�s pueda convocar un refer�ndum tantas veces como [...]

quiera forma parte del proceso democr�tico?

In many cases you can simply wait, use home care remedies, and call your doctor at a later time only [...]

En muchos casos, la persona simplemente espera, utiliza remedios caseros y llama al m�dico posteriormente [...]

s�lo si los s�ntomas persisten.

When the vehicle is not moving and driver

[...] card is inserted, you can call up other data of [...]

Con el veh�culo parado y la tarjeta de

[...] conductor insertada puede consultar otros datos [...]

de la tarjeta de conductor.

You will have a call button so that you can let the technologist [...]

know if you have any problems during the procedure.

Usted tendr� un bot�n de llamada que puede usar para avisar [...]

al t�cnico si tiene alg�n problema durante el procedimiento.

[...] step in the procedure, you can call up an account assignment [...]

model via the entries in the line at the bottom of the screen.

Alternativamente, para saltar un paso en

[...] el procedimiento, se puede llamar un modelo de imputaci�n [...]

mediante las entradas en la l�nea al fondo de la pantalla.

You can call us for advice and guidance [...]

on any aspect of the business, whether technical, practical or legal.

Nos puede llamar para cualquier tipo [...]

de asesoramiento y orientaci�n de su negocio, ya sea t�cnica, pr�ctica o juridica.

You can call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Usted puede llamar las 24 horas del d�a, [...]

We will reply to your e-mail or call you back as soon as we can.

[...] sea posible le contestamos bien por e-mail o le llamamos por tel�fono.

Be sure to have your Medicare

[...] card ready when you call, so you can provide your identification [...]

Favor de tener a mano la tarjeta

[...] de Medicare cuando llame puesto que se le pedir� su n�mero [...]

If you have any problems or if your card is

[...] lost or stolen, you can call the following [...]

numbers, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year

Ante cualquier incidencia, robo o

[...] extrav�o de tu tarjeta, llama las 24 horas del [...]

d�a, los 365 d�as del a�o a los tel�fonos

The geographic area within your LATA (Local Access Transport

[...] Area), which you can call without a toll.

El �rea geogr�fica dentro de tu LATA (�rea de Transporte y Acceso

[...] Local), a la que puedes llamar sin toll.

Make sure you know of their head office, and that they have a

[...] telephone landline you can call.

Aseg�rese de conocer su sede social y de que tenga un

[...] tel�fono fijo al que llamar.

You have to save your report before you can call up the set maintenance transactions.

Debe grabar su informe antes de acceder a las transacciones de actualizaci�n del set.

You can email questions using the information sheet by "contact" at the top of

[...] the website or you can call us weekdays.

Puede enviar su pregunta a trav�s del

[...] formulario de contacto � llamar a nuestros empleados [...]

[...] of time set by you, you can call up, save and [...]

print out all bids received - for example to attach them to an expert opinion.

Despu�s de finalizar el periodo de

[...] oferta indicado por usted, podr� obtener las pujas, [...]

grabarlas o imprimirlas - para por


ejemplo incluirlas en el informe.

When you travel with your children, it is good to know there is

[...] this line that you can call in when your [...]

child gets into a risk situation.

Cuando viajan con los ni�os hace falta saber que es un servicio

[...] �nico al que pueden llamar si el ni�o corre [...]

When you create a transfer order

[...] (TO) for a delivery, you can call up a customer exit [...]

using a Shipping component routine.

Al crear una orden de transporte (OT)

[...] para una entrega, se puede llamar un exit de cliente [...]

mediante una rutina del componente Expedici�n.

If you still have questions, you can call Customer Support Services.

[...] teniendo preguntas, puede llamar a Servicios de Apoyo al Cliente.

[...] provide information about your insurance coverage, or you can call your insurance provider directly.

Su empleador puede darle informaci�n sobre la cobertura de su seguro o puede llamar directamente a [...]

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“Oye Cariño!” (Hey Darling!) is a seafood restaurant located in Playa del Carmen, Mexico. Mexico is a multicultural country, where you can find a different way of seeing life on every corner.

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Gladiolus Esta Bonita translates to Its Pretty and pretty it is.

How do you say I want you in Spanish to a guy?

Te quiero translates to “I want you” and te amo translates to “I love you”. In general, both of these phrases are used to say “I love you” in Spanish, but there are some slight differences that are worth knowing.

What is gracias igual para ti?

gracias, igual. para ti! gracias, igual.para ti! thanks, same. for you!


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