How do you find your google password

How do you find your google password
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Since Google Chrome saves all your passwords, you'll be able to use the web browser to find your Google password. However, if you don't use Chrome, you'll most likely need to reset your password using your phone. This wikiHow will teach you how to find your Google password on your phone using Google Chrome.


  1. How do you find your google password


    Open Chrome

    How do you find your google password

    . This app icon looks like a red, yellow, and green orb with a blue center. You can find this app on one of your Home screens, in the app drawer, or by searching.

  2. How do you find your google password


    Tap ••• (iPhone) or (Android). On an iPhone, the three-dot menu icon is in the lower right corner. On an Android phone, the three-dot menu icon is in the top right corner.

    • This will open a menu.


  3. How do you find your google password


    Tap Settings. It's at the bottom of the menu next to an icon of a gear.[1]

  4. How do you find your google password


    Tap Passwords. You'll see this under the "Basics" heading.

  5. How do you find your google password


    Tap the search icon (Android) or the search bar (iPhone). The magnifying glass is towards the right side of the top of your screen (Android) or along the top of your screen (iPhone).

  6. How do you find your google password


    Type "Google" and tap the Google account in the search results that appear under the search field. As you type, search results matching your search terms will appear under your text.

    • If you have multiple Google accounts, they will each display in the search results.

  7. How do you find your google password


    Tap the view icon (to view the password). It looks like an eye.

    • Enter your phone's key if prompted. This can either be your face, fingerprint, or you'll enter a pattern, swipe, PIN, or password to verify that you're the phone's owner.

  8. How do you find your google password


    Tap the password (iPhone) or tap the copy icon (Android) to copy the password (if you want to copy it). This icon looks like two stacked rectangles and tapping it will prompt your phone to copy the Google password to your clipboard.

    • If you're using an iPhone, tapping the password will bring up the option to copy it. Tap Copy and the password is copied to your clipboard.
    • Enter your phone's key if prompted. This can either be your face, fingerprint, or you'll enter a pattern, swipe, PIN, or password to verify that you're the phone's owner.
    • If you can't find your Google password here, you will have to reset it.

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Article SummaryX

1. Open Chrome
2. Tap the three-dot menu icon.
3. Tap Settings.
4. Tap Passwords.
5. Tap the search icon (Android) or search bar (iPhone).
6. Type "Google" and tap the Google account in the search results that appear under the search field.
7. Tap the view icon (to view the password).
8. Tap the copy icon (Android) or password (iPhone) to copy the password (if you want to copy it).

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How do I find out what my Google password is?

See, delete, edit, or export passwords.
On your Android phone or tablet, open the Chrome app ..
To the right of the address bar, tap More ..
Tap Settings. Passwords..
See, delete, edit, or export a password: See: Tap the password you want to see. Show password. . Delete: Tap the password you want to remove..

How can I find my Google password without resetting it?

First, go to the web address for account recovery, which is:
This page will help you recover a password you don't remember. ... .
If you don't remember any passwords, click "Try another way." ... .
Have a phone on standby to verify your identity. ... .
Jamie Friedlander/Business Insider..