How do you do split screen on fortnite nintendo switch

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19 May 2020 6:00 PM +00:00 UTC

Want to team up for some epic battle royal action with one of your friends? Check out how to here!

We are now in the tail end of Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 2, which means we are slowly coming upon a new season!

Fortnite has quickly expanded into one of the most popular games across the world, it is playable on every platform essentially.

Switch Fortnite players are a large part of the player base, but if you are new to the scene it can be troubling to share the screen with your friends.

Here's how to enable split-screen on the Switch!

How To

The process to enable Split Screen on the Nintendo Switch is a relatively easy one, so do not fear.

READ MORE: Fortnite: How To Voice Chat On The Nintendo Switch!

Before you boot up Fortnite make sure that both controllers are signed in and noticed by the Switch

Once you have done so, you will be able to load up the Battle Royal section of Fortnite and load into duos or squads match!

TEAMING - Split screen is a great option with friends!

Now you and your friends can enjoy all the action of Fortnite but alongside each other!

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Bring the action home with split-screen in Fortnite.

If you’re looking to bring a friend into the action of Fortnite, you’ll be able to do just that. Something that many players did not know existed is the possibility of playing Fortnite in split-screen against other players online. If you and your friends want to show off your skills in the same room, you’ll just need to find out how to make this happen.

Thankfully, the process is quite easy, and following along with our helpful guide on the subject will make sure that you’re able to get into the action easier than ever before. But can every system make this happen? Let’s find out!

How to Play Split-Screen in Fortnite

To play split-screen in Fortnite, all you need is a second controller. Not every platform can play split-screen though, so keep reading on to learn which systems support it and how to get started with a second player.

Split-Screen on PlayStation and Xbox

If you’re looking to play Fortnite split-screen, you’ll find that the process is surprisingly simple. You’ll just need to follow along with these steps to make sure that things go flawlessly:

  • Startup Fortnite, and make your way to the main lobby
  • Turn on another controller, and log into another account. You cannot use a guest account.
  • Press the Triangle button on your Playstation controller, or on your Xbox controller to finish logging in
  • You’ll see that both characters are now in the lobby, allowing for split-screen play.

You’ll need to make sure that both accounts happen to have a Fortnite account associated with them. You cannot use a guest account to do this, which is slightly unfortunate, but if you need to create a secondary account, you can do so right on Epic Game’s website. 

Split-Screen on Nintendo Switch, PC, and Mobile

Unfortunately, as of the time of this article, there is currently no split-screen support for Nintendo Switch, PC, or Mobile devices. Since there have been some reported issues with the way that the game is performing on the Nintendo Switch, it’s not surprising that the console may not be able to fully support the split-screen mode that Fortnite has to offer. However, they may implement this in the future, as new features and modes are constantly being added to the game.

What Modes Can You Play in Split-Screen?

You’ll be able to play Duos and Squads mode, as playing Singles would give an unfair advantage, as you would be able to collaborate with your partner to spot opponents. You’ll be able to play in Creative, Limited Time Modes, and Save the World, as well.

What are the Drawbacks of Split-Screen?

The biggest difference is that half of your view will be blocked by the other player, meaning your spatial awareness will be reduced by a fair amount. Making sure that communication is strong is key to surviving since you’ll be seeing a bit less. The other drawback, or pro for some players, is Crossplay is disabled when you use split-screen, so you’ll only be able to play against players in the same system family.

And there we have it, all of the information you’ll need about split-screen in Fortnite! Get some of your friends together, and start getting some Victory Royales, victory is so much sweeter when you can celebrate together.

Fortnite is available now on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, Nintendo Switch, and Mobile devices.

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