How do i find my latitude and longitude

GPS coordinates are formed by two components that are a latitude , giving the north-south position, and a longitude, giving the east-west position.

Use this map to convert any address in its GPS coordinates. You can also find the location of any GPS coordinates, and geocode its address if available.

Visit the where am I page to get all the details of your current location coordinates.

Latitude definition

The latitude of a point is the measurement of the angle formed by the equatorial plane with the line connecting this point to the center of the Earth.
By construction, it is comprised between -90 ° and 90 °. Negative values ​​are for the southern hemisphere locations, and latitude is worth 0 ° at the equator.

Longitude definition

The principle is the same for the longitude, with the difference that there is no natural reference like the equator for the latitude. Longitude reference has been arbitrarily set at the Greenwich Meridian (it passes through the Royal Greenwich Observatory in Greenwich in the suburbs of London), and the longitude of a point is the measurement of the angle formed by the half plane formed by the axis of the earth and passes through the Greenwich meridian and the half-plane formed by the axis of the earth and passing through the point.

A third component

Careful readers would have alreay noticed that a third element is required to locate a point, its altitude. In the most typical use cases, GPS coordinates are needed for locations on the surface of the Earth, making this third parameter less important. However, it is as necessary as the latitude and longitude to define a complete and accurate GPS location.


What3words divided the world into 57 trillion squares, each measuring 3m by 3m (10ft by 10ft) and each having a unique, randomly assigned three-word address. Our coordinates converter helps you convert coordinates to w3w but also what3words to coordinates.

Multiple geodetic systems for geographical coordinates

As we saw, the above definitions take into account several parameters that must be fixed or identified for future reference:
- the equator plane and the model choser for the shape of the earth,
- a set of reference points,
- the position of the center of the Earth,
- the earth axis,
- the reference meridian.
These five criteria are the basis of the different geodetic systems used through history.
Currently, the most commonly used geodetic system is WGS 84 (used notably for GPS coordinates).

GPS coordinates measurement units

The two main units of measurement are the decimal and sexagesimal coordinates.

Decimal coordinates

The latitude and longitude are a decimal number, with the following characteristics:
- latitude between 0° and 90°: Northern hemisphere,
- latitude between 0° and -90°: Southern hemisphere,
- longitude between 0° and 180°: East of the Greenwich meridian,
- longitude between 0° and -180°: West of the Greenwich meridian,

Sexagesimal coordinates

The sexagesimal coordinates have three components: degrees, minutes and seconds. Each of these components is usually an integer, but the seconds can be a decimal number in case of need of a greater precision.
One angle degree includes 60 angle minutes and one angule minute consists of 60 angle seconds of arc.
Unlike decimal coordinates the sexagesimal coordinates can not be negative. In their case, the letter W or E is added to the longitude to specify the position east-west from the Greenwich meridian, and the letter N or S to the latitude to designate the hemisphere (North or South).

Correlation table

Decimal coordinatesSexagesimal coordinatesLatitudeLongitudeLatitudeLongitude0° to 90°0° to 180°NE0° to 90°0° to -180°NW0° to -90°0° to 180°SE0° to -90°0° to -180°SW

Latitude and longitude finder

On the website homepage, when you enter coordinates in one of the formats (on the left column), they are automatically converted to the other format. Also, when you visualize an address on the map, or after clicking on a point on the map, its coordinates in the two units are displayed in the left column.

GPS Coordinates Finder convert address to lat and long or find location by latitude and longitude. Type in the address field and click on the Get GPS Coordinates button to lookup latitude and longitude from address. You will see the result on the map coordinates and in the Latitude Longitude fields.

Our gps coordinates tool utilizes the geolocation built in with your browser which has your current location in latlong format. To find the gps coordinates of your current location, you must give us permission to access your geolocation information. You should see a message asking for your permission upon opening our site. Simply select yes and you will be all set to use our tools. We do not store or share your location data with others.

You can also search for your address and latitude and longitude on the map coordinates. Our gps coordinates app is available for free install on the Play Store. The app has all the functionalities as our web tool plus a few more features. You will learn more about the app and the features at the bottom of this page.

Longitude and Latitude are the two angles that define the precision location of a point on earth or the GPS coordinates. Longitude is the angular distance of a place east or west of the meridian at Greenwich, England, or west of the standard meridian of a celestial object. Latitude is the angular distance of a place north or south of the earth's equator. The degree of the angle is between -90° and 90°. longitude and latitude coordinates are usually expressed in degrees and minutes.

Every location consists of a latitude and longitude which is like an unique address for each point. By giving the latitude and longitude, we can track down exactly where someone is located.

GPS and navigation tools are developed to help drivers navigate every state and city. The latitude and longitude points are the built in function of these GPS systems.

Not only drivers take advantage of these tools, someone who walks will also benefit from using them. Our gps coordinates tools is built exactly for that purpose. For instance, every house address or building has its own gps coordinates. When you are exploring or looking for an address in an unfamiliar area, you may get lost. With the help of our gps coordinates finder, you will know exactly where you are. You will see a map that shows the surrendering neighborhood, so you estimate how far you are from your destination.

The coordinates finder or coordinate locator will search for longitude and latitude on map. It will also lookup any address by clicking on the map. The result will show on both the map coordinates and on the corresponding fields. The coordinates finder will get latitude and longitude from any address.

Search any address from your current coordinates or any other GPS coordinates on the map. Go to gps coordinates converter, type in the lat and long coordinates and click on the Get Address button to find address from my latitude and longitude coordinates. Convert any address using the sexagesimal GPS coordinates by clicking on the Get Address button on the coordinates converter page.

What are my coordinates or my GPS coordinates? To lookup latitude and longitude of my location or share my coordinates, simply enable the location on any browser, and it will show the exact address, lat long, and your current coordinates.

Find my coordinates is a perfect tool to use when you are not sure where you are. If you are lost, and need to find where are you on the gps coordinates or address, simply click on Where am I to find out where am I right now or My Location to find latlong and my current location.

How to use our GPS Coordinates Finder?

  • Open this website, and it will automatically detects your location.
  • Make sure you click Allow (in Chrome) or Share Location (in Firefox). You can see your location on Maps above, and related location information next to it.
  • We do not collect any of your location data.
  • You can also use GPS Coordinates Converter to convert any address to lat long, and vice versa.
  • You can also use the distance calculator to calculate distance between coordinates or the distance between addresses.
  • We also have an latitude and longitude app that you can install for free.

Latitude Longitude App

If you have an android phone, you can download our Latitude and Longitude for free. The main purpose of the app is to find out where you are and help you navigate better. Here are a few things that the app can do.

  • The Latitude and Longitude app allows you to get or share map coordinates of your desired location.
  • Search and share a location of some point on the map coordinate. Let's say if you want to meet someone, you can send him the location as GPS coordinates, address or both.
  • A map will be shown with your current coordinates or address. When you search for an address, a map will also be showing for the target place.
  • You can save and store a list of addresses or locations for future references. This is a feature that is available only for the app. You also have the option to delete old or existing locations.
  • You can share gps coordinates in many ways using Latitude Longitude app, such as social media, email or texting.
  • You can share both your current GPS coordinates and address with anyone you wish.
  • You can also copy the gps coordinates, location, or address and paste anywhere you like outside our Latitude app. For example, you can copy the gps coordinates to your navigation system for driving.
  • We show the gps coordinates in different format, so that it is compatible with other tools that you may wish to use.
  • You can use the app as a latitude and longitude finder when you are lost. You will get both the address and GPS coordinates of your current location so that you know where you are.
  • You can also move the map coordinates to see what's around you so that you can find your way out.
  • The app currently has over 1 million users with an average rating of 4.3, and it is one of the best latitude and longitude apps in the play store that you can install for free.

Map Coordinates

GPS Coordinates uses Map Coordinates to find coordinates and get your current location. Following is a list of other tools that we offer.

What is my ip - To find your ip address, using our ip lookup tool. The tool does not track or store your ip address.

What County am I in - find out what county you are at right now.

My Location - find your current location and address.

Distance Calculator - calculate the distance between two points.

Where am I - Another tool to find where you are right now.

GPS Coordinates Converter - tool to convert gps coordinates to address and vice versa.

States - Explore latitude and longitude by states.

Countries - Find the gps coordinates for each country.

What city am I in - find out the current city you are in right now.

What is my address - lookup the address that you are currently located.

What Country am I in - If you are flying or at the border between countries, you may not know which country you are at. Use this tool to lookup your current country.

What State am I in - When you are driving, you may not know which state you are currently in, use this tool to find out which state are you at now.

What is my zip code - You may know the address of place or a house, but zip code may not be so obvious as it is not written on the door. With our zip code lookup tool, you can find out the exact zip code of your location.

Latitude and Longitude - Find the latitude and longitude of your current location or any other point.

How do I find latitude and longitude on my phone?

Get the coordinates of a place.
On your Android phone or tablet, open the Google Maps app ..
Touch and hold an area of the map that isn't labeled to drop a red pin..
In the search box, you can find the coordinates..

How do I use latitude and longitude on Google Maps?

Open Google Maps and tap or tap and hold to drop a pin. On Android, you'll see the coordinates in the Search box at the top. You can swipe up from the bottom for more details and view the latitude and longitude there. On iPhone, swipe up to display the details at the bottom, and you'll see the coordinates.

How do I find my current latitude?

Steps to get current latitude and longitude in Android.
Location permissions for the manifest file for receiving the location update..
Create a LocationManager instance as a reference to the location service..
Request location from LocationManager..
Receive location update from LocationListener on change of location..

How can I find latitude and longitude without GPS?

In one 24 hour long day the Earth makes one 360 degree turn. That means the Earth rotates at rate 1 degree per 4 minutes (or 15 degrees per hour). Therefore if you find out the time difference between the solar noon at your location and in Greenwich, you will figure out your longitude!


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