Fireplace tv stand in store near me

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Be it a game night with friends or binging a TV show on a weekend, everybody loves watching TV. But to make your viewing experience great you need the right entertainment center. And that starts with the right TV stand. At Target, we have a wide range of stands for TVs with different designs and set up. Before you start looking for a TV stand measure the width of the TV. Go for a console design if you’re looking for a clean and modern design. These are elongated tables that give you sufficient space on the top with shelves on the bottom. Movie buffs or sports fans will love the entertainment unit. These are bigger than a TV console and have enough room with cabinets and shelves for digital players and sound systems. If you’re looking for a contemporary design, there are floating tables. Made from lightweight materials, these are wall-mounted with shelves at the bottom. You can go for a corner table with storage units if you want to use your living room space optimally. Give your space a traditional touch with TV Armoire with doors, they have sufficient storage space for digital players and media. Explore our store and find the TV stand that will meet your requirements and blend with your furniture.

Are fireplace TV stands worth it?

Over time, your TV stand with electric fireplace can actually pay for itself. Especially if it's replacing a the mess and hassle of a traditional fireplace with a chimney. So even though it may cost slightly more than a standard TV stand, the investment is worth it in the end.

Do TV stand fireplaces use a lot of electricity?

When you are not using heat, the flames of an electric fireplace use slightly under 300 Watts of power. With an average electricity rate, the unit operates for a remarkable 3¢ per hour, providing all the ambiance and romance of a fireplace, without the heat, whenever you want.

Can I add a fireplace to my TV stand?

In most cases, you can use an electric fireplace insert placed into the opening of a TV stand.

What size TV looks good over a fireplace?

TVs around 55-65 inches are typically best placed above a fireplace. The viewing distance, on the other hand, may influence the size. If your sofa or sitting area is more than 6′ 5″ from the TV, you'll almost certainly require a TV larger than 55 inches.


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