Emergency dentist saratoga springs ny

One of the most important things you have to consider when choosing a dentist is how available they will be to you in the event of a dental emergency.

Ballston Dental in Saratoga County, NY, will always be available to you if dental emergencies occur. But with that in mind, let’s talk about what exactly constitutes a dental emergency.

You Have Lost a Filling

This is an inconvenience. It is not an emergency. You are not likely to be in unbearable pain, or lose a whole lot of functionality in your mouth. So although it is not overly pleasant, it is not an emergency. You should still try and make an appointment with us as soon as possible to replace the filling though.

You Have a Broken Tooth

This may or may not be an dental emergency. If you are bleeding excessively, then it most certainly is an dental emergency. If when you bite, you are cutting into your cheeks, then it is probably an emergency. A mere broken tooth that is not causing pain, and is not causing bleeding in your mouth, however, is not a dental emergency. This is something you should also come see us about at the earliest available appointment.

You Have Sustained a Blow to Your Mouth That Has Knocked Out One or More Teeth

This is an emergency. We want to save your teeth, so by all means, call us immediately, and we will make every effort to get you in to see us as quickly as possible. If your tooth has been completely removed, try and place it back into your mouth, if it won’t stay, place it in milk until you come to see us.

We think you get the idea. Minor or cosmetic issue are not emergencies.  Anything that could compromise your dental health most definitely is an emergency. So if you have taken a huge blow to your mouth, if anything has occurred that has knocked out your teeth, or damaged them to the point where you think they may not be able to be restored, then you should contact us and we will get you in right away.

Contact Us

If you have a dental emergency that needs immediate attention, then contact us ASAP. You can contact Ballston Dental in Saratoga County at 518-885-8321. We will always do everything in our power to make sure that you get the treatment you need. Make sure to like us on Facebook to receive updates on our latest blogs and more!

For an appointment call our office today at 518-587-3831 or Make an Appointment

Emergency Dental Care

Are you experiencing painful dental issues? Have you suffered oral trauma? No need to worry, 1st Advantage Dental - Saratoga Springs is here to help! Our experienced team members will provide you with high-quality emergency dental care that will give you peace of mind during anxious times for your oral health. Abscesses, tooth decay, infected gums, cavities and other oral health problems can be incredibly uncomfortable, and we are ready to bring you the relief you have been waiting for.

  If you are not experiencing oral pain but still have a dental issue such as a cracked tooth, broken dentures or a misplaced filling, please do not hesitate to give us a call at 518-587-3831! Research shows periodontal problems can potentially elevate the risk for other health issues, including diabetes, stroke and cardiovascular disease.

What to Do in a Dental Emergency

Our dental team is here to help when an emergency happens! Discover how we can help prepare and protect you and your family with our emergency dental care services.

Continue reading for more information on what is considered a dental emergency or call our Saratoga Springs, New York office immediately at 518-587-3831 if urgent assistance is required!

Types of Dental Emergencies

So, what constitutes a dental emergency? When a toothache or another dental emergency strikes, the emergency dentists at 1st Advantage Dental - Saratoga Springs are trained to quickly respond by connecting you with a dentist who can give prompt relief. We handle a wide range of emergency dental issues, which may include:

  • Toothaches- Severe pain is a sign that something is amiss. The longer you wait, the more difficult (and expensive) the solution. Rinsing out your mouth with warm saltwater will hopefully dislodge any trapped food between your teeth. If you are experiencing facial swelling, use a cold compress and acetaminophen for temporary relief.
  • Cut Tongue, Lip, or Cheek- For bleeding, apply pressure with sterile gauze to reduce the chances of infection and complication. Use your better judgment as well; if the cut looks significant, and bleeding does not seem to be subsiding, contact an emergency room.
  • Broken, Cracked, or Chipped Tooth- Not sure what to do for a broken tooth?  Start by rinsing the area with warm water. Place a cold compress over the site of the injury. If you can, recover any broken tooth fragments. If possible, save the tooth fragment and rinse both your mouth and the salvaged tooth pieces with warm water.
  • Knocked Out Permanent Tooth- Recover the tooth and hold it by the crown (top), not the root. Rinse, but do not over-cleaning or over-handling. Put and hold the tooth in place using a clean piece of gauze or cloth. If reinsertion is impossible, carry the tooth in a cup of milk or water. Stopping the bleeding is most important. Don’t remove any attached tissue, they help re-secure the tooth!
  • Broken Wires and Braces- If a wire breaks or sticks out of a bracket in your braces and pokes around your mouth, try and push it to a non-bothersome position. If you can’t do this, add a cotton swab until you reach the dentist. Leave the wire as is. You may swallow it if cut.
  • Cold, Canker Sores, and Abscesses- Over-the-counter medications such as acetaminophen can provide temporary relief as well. Use only as directed. An abscess is a serious infection that typically occurs in the gumline around the teeth. If left alone, infections might spread to the body. Visit your emergency dentist as soon as possible if you discover pain or swelling in the gums.

To expedite your care, 1st Advantage Dental - Saratoga Springs also recommends adding 518-587-3831 to your contacts so that, if an emergency happens, you can reach us immediately. Keeping our information handy will not only help you save valuable time; it could be important in helping to rescue an injured tooth.

Other Dental Emergencies

If any other peculiar symptoms or pain persists, or you are wondering where to go for a dental emergency, please give us a call so we can help determine if you need to come into our practice or to the emergency room. With emergency dental care, you can spend less time worrying about if the dentist is open and more time fixing the problem at hand!

How to Avoid Dental Emergencies

Accidents are unplanned, and therefore hard to prepare for. The best option for staying in front of a dental emergency is to be preventative. Schedule regular exams every six months and continue your regimen of good oral hygiene. Brush at least twice a day, floss once per day, and avoid brittle foods like hard candy that may do damage to your teeth!

Schedule an Emergency Dental Care Service Today!

At 1st Advantage Dental - Saratoga Springs, we understand that the luxury of time is often unavailable when an emergency happens and that the need for rapid response can be nerve-wracking. When a dental emergency happens, your health and comfort are our first priority. If you are experiencing serious oral pain, call 1st Advantage Dental - Saratoga Springs directly at 518-587-3831.

Our team will provide quick relief when a dental emergency happens. Reaching 1st Advantage Dental - Saratoga Springs after the office has closed is also easy with our after-hours service! So, if you have a dental emergency, and need emergency dental care near Saratoga Springs, NY, call 1st Advantage Dental - Saratoga Springs at 518-587-3831.

How do I find the best emergency dentist?

The Five Tips to Choose The Best Emergency Dentist.
Tip # 1: Search “emergency dentist near me” ... .
Tip # 2: Do they accept your dental insurance plan? ... .
Tip # 3: Ask what their office hours are. ... .
Tip # 4: Describe the dental emergency. ... .
Tip # 5: Inquire what ages they treat. ... .
Bonus Tip: Call Salvatore Dental Right Now!.

Can you call 111 for dental problems?

If you do not have a dentist or cannot get an emergency appointment: call 111 – they can advise you what to do. find a dentist near you – ask if you can have an emergency appointment.

Can I go to A and E for my tooth?

It is not necessary to visit A&E for a dental emergency unless you have experienced trauma to the mouth or face, experiencing severe bleeding or you are experiencing life-threatening symptoms. If you are experiencing a dental emergency, you should book an appointment with a dentist immediately.


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