Does taking collagen help prevent stretch marks during pregnancy

As your belly grows throughout your pregnancy, stretch marks become more noticeable. These marks appear as indented, discolored streaks across your skin, most often on your abdomen and hips as the baby gets bigger.

Stretch marks are the result of the sudden stretching of your skin, which breaks the tissue fibers, but doesn’t pose any harm to your health. Though you may not be able to avoid stretch marks entirely, there are things you can do to minimize your risk.

Experienced OB/GYN, Derakhsh Fozouni, MD, understands how stretch marks can affect your satisfaction with your appearance. He offers the following guidance for reducing your stretch mark risks throughout your pregnancy.

Keep drinking water

When you drink sufficient amounts of water each day, you keep your skin hydrated and soft. Stretch marks are more common in skin that’s dry and less elastic, so it’s important to get hydrated every day with plain water.

You should also avoid drinks that contain caffeine, as they may increase your risk for stretch marks and aren’t the healthiest beverage options during pregnancy.

Moisturize daily

In addition to nourishing your skin from the inside, you can also use a high-quality moisturizer that keeps your skin soft and healthy.

You don’t have to invest in expensive products claiming stretch mark miracles. Simply applying cocoa butter or other moisturizing creams to your belly, thighs, and the surrounding areas every day can prevent stretch marks and keep your skin young-looking.

Pay attention to weight gain

Pregnancy isn’t a free-for-all when it comes to eating. Though you can expect to gain weight as your baby develops, Dr. Fozouni can determine a healthy weight range in which you should stay as your pregnancy progresses.

Gaining too much weight may not be safe for you or your baby and will likely increase your risk for noticeable stretch marks. Stick with a healthy diet and appropriate exercises to stay fit and firm throughout your pregnancy.

Supplement your skin from the inside

Healthy skin is the result of collagen, a natural-occurring substance in your body, which keeps skin firm and elastic.

To keep a healthy supply of collagen, you need to each a nutritious diet and get enough vitamin C in your diet, as it’s important for boosting your own production of collagen. Vitamin C is found in many vegetables and fruits, which are also part of a healthy diet.

Vitamin D is also important for reducing stretch mark risks. You get vitamin D naturally from spending time in the sun or from dairy products and supplements.

Solutions for existing stretch marks

If you still develop stretch marks that leave you unhappy with your physical appearance, Dr. Fozouni offers several in-office solutions that can significantly reduce their visibility. He uses the advanced technology of the Icon™ laser to treat stretch marks and improve the overall health of your skin.

The Icon system uses advanced fractional laser and pulsed light energy to stimulate the production of new, healthy collagen to fill in the dimples and creases of stretch marks. The heat from the laser penetrates the deepest layers of your skin tissue to boost your body’s natural collagen production.

This noninvasive, nonsurgical treatment option can address stretch marks on your skin that remain after childbirth. The technology is safe and effective for most areas of your body and treatments can take less than 30 minutes.

To learn more about your options for preventing new stretch marks and treating old ones, schedule a consultation with Dr. Fozouni today by phone or by using the online booking system now.

Written By Bold Commerce Collaborator - May 30 2019

Pregnancy, while incredible, is notoriously hard on the body, which changes in remarkable ways to support the growing life within. Both pregnancy and breastfeeding require a lot of nutrients - if there isn't enough of a particular nutrient available in the body, mum is the one who goes without, so it is crucial to support your body through this period of drastic change.

Aside from the obvious impending life changes (hello, new family member!), the physical changes of pregnancy can be simultaneously beautiful and frustrating for women. One of the biggest concerns women have is to do with skin, in particular, on the body.

As pregnancy progresses, the skin on the belly, hips, thighs, and breasts expands, and many women develop stretch marks, a very normal occurrence during pregnancy. Post-pregnancy, loose skin on the stomach is very common, and skin may never go back to its original elasticity. Despite popular belief, creams and lotions can't prevent or treat stretch marks and loose skin.

The best bet is to support your skin elasticity with a healthy diet and lifestyle and targeted supplements (if desired).

Collagen gives not only gives skin its structure; it is found in our connective tissue, cartilage, bones, joints, blood vessels, organs, hair, and nails. It's no surprise then, that collagen supplementation during pregnancy can be beneficial to support the immense amount of changes in the body.

All peptide collagen (aside from marine collagen) is safe during pregnancy, but it is always best to check with your doctor or midwife before starting any supplement or medication.

Why take collagen during pregnancy and breastfeeding?

  • It supports skin elasticity. Healthy, hydrated, elastic skin will fare better throughout and after pregnancy. We've had multiple clients tell us they had a super fast recovery post-birth (compared to previous births), and some have reported no stretch marks and minimal loose skin post-pregnancy. All women are different, but you can't go wrong by boosting your natural collagen production and stores with peptide collagen.
  • It has digestive benefits. Collagen is comprised of amino acids (much like those found in bone broth), some of which can seal and heal the gut lining.
  • Collagen strengthens joints and ligaments to help your body carry the physical load. Once baby is born, healthy joints will help you carry your baby - and baby bag - around constantly. Caring for a baby is physical work, and plenty of mums have sore necks, backs, and arms. Collagen can help with muscle soreness and injury.
  • Peptide collagen is a dream for the skin. Facial skin can undergo significant changes too - think extra pigmentation, breakouts, and texture changes. Many facial treatments and products are unsafe during pregnancy (think Botox, retinol use, fillers etc.), so for those who want to look after their skin safely, collagen is an excellent option.  
  • While pregnancy can create lush, thick hair for many women (due to slower hair shedding), postpartum hair loss can come as a shock and can occur months after baby is born. Taking collagen can encourage new hair growth and healthy, strong hair.

Disclaimer: Adashiko Pure collagen is 100% safe during pregnancy. However, we always recommend you check with your midwife or doctor before taking any supplement or medication.

Is it OK to take collagen while pregnant?

While you should always check with your doctor when starting a new supplement, collagen supplements are generally considered safe during pregnancy. They can be beneficial, even.

Do collagen supplements reduce stretch marks?

It's no secret that collagen plays a role in keeping your skin strong and elastic, so taking a collagen supplement regularly could help to prevent stretch marks from forming as your skin stretches.

What prevents stretch marks when pregnant?

While 50 – 90% of pregnant women develop some time of stretch mark during pregnancy, many of these will fade over time and become less noticeable..
Get your vitamins. ... .
Stay hydrated. ... .
Gain weight at a doctor approved pace. ... .
Soak up some sunshine. ... .
Promptly treat new stretch marks..


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