Do i want to break up with him quiz

Should I Break Up with My Boyfriend?

This question can come up in any relationship. You may begin to wonder whether or not your partner is right for you, or if you've found "the one." Many factors could be playing a role in your relationship compatibility, and there are many reasons someone may still have doubts about their relationship--new or old. "Should I break up with my boyfriend?" is a completely normal question to ask, although there are many situations in relationships that are not normal. You never want to stay in relationships that are not meeting your needs, aren't a good fit, are codependent, or are actively making their lives worse. On the other hand, there are many independent people who are seeking someone perfect, even though they are in a healthy and stable partnership.

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Every relationship has its struggles.

Most men and women go through a phase of conflict. Perhaps you’ve already had a big fight or there’s a constant disagreement that you can’t seem to settle. Indeed, it’s common for couples to endure lengthy periods where neither party is particularly happy.

It’s always suggested long-term relationships need work to stay afloat. We’re told about the importance of good communication, compromise and sacrifices.

However, we’re rarely given advice regarding the right time to give up on our partner altogether. When is a relationship dead on its feet? When is there no hope remaining?

It’s important to know this!

After all, we only have a limited time on this planet - and no-one should want to waste it being miserable with an unsuitable partner.

What’s more, if you’re a woman with hopes of starting a happy family, you’re making it harder for yourself if you spend too long with “Mr Wrong”. The sad truth is: a woman’s ability to give birth decreases as she ages, sometimes starting from as early as 30 years old. There really is no time to waste.

At the same time, we’re sure you don’t want to accidentally throw away “Mr Right” because of some tiny imperfection. The pain of tossing away the man who could have made all your dreams come true is arguably even more painful than staying in a shoddy relationship.

We’re here to help with this dilemma as best we can!

The quiz below has been designed to get to the bottom of how you really feel about staying in a long-term relationship with this guy. Once you’ve answered these 10 multiple-choice questions, it should become a lot clearer whether you see a bright future with him.

Even so, we’ll provide our own conclusions and advice once you’ve finished.

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Should I break up with my partner?

People have been wondering whether they should be in their relationship even since relationships became a thing. So if you’re currently going back and forth over your prospects as a couple, don’t worry: you’re not alone.

This can be such a frustrating thing to experience because, really, it feels like the answer should be obvious. It feels like you should be able to say ‘yes, absolutely’ - or at least ‘no way!’ - at the drop of a hat. Not quite knowing can be a bit of a drag. You go round and round in circles: ‘On the one hand, they’re sweet and kind’, ‘On the other, they have shocking taste in music'. Sometimes, you almost wish someone would just make the decision for you.

The truth is that relationships, as great as they are, are rarely as simple as we would like. There are all kinds of things that can make it hard to come to figure things out. Sometimes, you get on brilliantly in some ways, but not so great in others. Sometimes, everything is perfect except for one big detail. And sometimes, you might feel that things are good - but you’re not sure if they’re good enough.

If you’re sick of banging your head against the wall - and you think your friends might be sick of hearing about it too - maybe our quiz can help. It’ll ask you a series of questions about your relationship and offer some ideas on what your answers might mean.

How do you know if you want to break up with a guy?

If you are constantly sad around him, or if you feel alone even when you are together, then it is a huge red flag. If you're always the one suggesting dates, calling him, texting him, or making plans it indicates that he isn't willing to make the effort required to keep the relationship dynamic fresh.

What are the signs of wanting to break up?

How To Know When To Break Up.
You're Making All The Sacrifices. ... .
Your Values Aren't Aligned. ... .
There's No Trust. ... .
You're Always Fighting. ... .
There's A Lack Of Communication. ... .
Your Needs Aren't Being Met. ... .
There's No More Effort. ... .
You're Not Happy Anymore..

How do you break up with a guy without hurting his feelings?

How to Break Up With Someone Without Hurting Them.
Before you have the conversation, ask yourself why you're not satisfied. ... .
Don't drag it out. ... .
Remember to be kind in the moment. ... .
Avoid focusing on what you think they did wrong. ... .
Be direct. ... .
Skip clichés like "it's not you, it's me." ... .
Finally, steer clear of false promises..


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