Dna the secret of life worksheet answers

Name ________________________________________

This video can be checked out from your library or viewed on youtube. There are many videos about DNA, this one is narrated by Jeff Goldblum

1.  What characteristics of Watson and Crick made others think they would never succeed?

This video is difficult to acquire, your library may have it, or it is sold by education video libraries for 100-200$.

There are many DNA movies, make sure you find the one that is narrated by Jeff Goldblum.

2.  What was “Black Monday”?  How did “Black Monday” affect the direction of Wilkin’s career?

3.  In the race to uncover the structure of DNA, there were three main teams.  Describe the three teams and the approaches they used to solve the mystery.

4.  What got Watson and Crick banned from the Race?

5.  Why did Rosalind Franklin laugh at Watson and Crick’s first model?

6.  Why was Pauling accused of being a double agent?

7. What are the Chargaff rules?  What does Chargaff have to be bitter about?

8.  Should science be an “open community” where ideas are exchanged and shared?   How does NOT sharing information have an impact on scientific advancements?

9.  Do you believe that Watson and Crick went about their research in an ethical way?  Why or why not?

DNA – Episode 1 of 5: The Secret of LifeIsaac BaezWatch the video and fill out the sheet using any color except black or yellow.1.What isDNA and how does it contain theSecret of Life?

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2.In the race to uncover the structure of genetic material, three teams were racing against one another. Who werethe members of each team and describe the approaches/techniques they used to solve the mystery.

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3.Describe the characteristics of James Watson and Francis Crick which made others think they wouldn’t succeed?

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4.What was “Black Monday” and how did it affect the direction of Maurice Wilkin’s career?

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  • School Mohave Community College
  • Course Title BIO 110
  • Type

    Homework Help

  • Uploaded By kstallard4
  • Pages 1
  • Ratings 33% (3) 1 out of 3 people found this document helpful

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Name: _________________________________________DNA:The Secret of Life WorksheetAs you watch the video, answer the questions.The questions are in sequential order.1)True or False?Watson and Crick discovered the structure of DNA._________2)The exact date that DNA’s structure was discovered was __________________ .3)In DNA, the base A pairs with _______ and the base G pairs with _________ .4)True or false?When DNA unwinds, one old strand is used to make one new strand. ____5)True of false?The molecule helicase unwinds the DNA.___________6)DNA copying is about __________ times more accurate than the copying of data on yourcomputer.7)DNA is a set of instructions to build ________________ .8)Proteins are made of building blocks called _____________________ .9)There are ___________ different kinds of amino acids that we need to survive.10) True or false?Three DNA bases code for one amino acids._________11) True or false?Crick thought cracking the genetic code would take his entire lifetime.____________12) What is the “central dogma” of modern biology? ____________________________________________________________________________________________

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