Dark side of the moon song lyrics

Speak to me
Breathe in the air
On the run
Breathe (reprise)
The great gig in the sky
Us and them
Any colour you like
Brain Damage
Eclipse Speak to me

Breathe in the Air
Breathe, breathe in the air
Don't be afarid to care
Leave but don't leave me
Look around choose your own ground
For long you live and high you fly
And smiles you'll give and tears you'll cry
And all that you touch and all that you see
Is all that you'r life will ever be

Run rabbit run
Dig that hole, Forget the sun
And when the work is done
Don't sit down it's time to dig another one
For long you live, and hight you fly
But only if you ride the tide
And balanced on the bigest wave
You race tword and early grave

On the run

Ticking away the moments that make up a dull day
You fritter and waste the hours in an off hand way
Kicking around on a piece of ground in your home town
Waiting for someone or something to show you the way

Tired of lieing in the sunshine staying home to watch the rain
You are young and life is long and there is time to kill today
And then one day you find ten years have got behind you
No one told you when to run, you missed the starting gun

And you run and you run to catch up with the sun, but it's sinking
And racing arond to come up behind you again
The sun is the same in a relative way, but your older
Shorter of breath and one day closer to death

Every year is getting shorter, never seem to find the time
Plans that either come to naught or half a page of scribbled lines
Hanging on in quiet desperation is the english way
The time is gone the song is over, thought I'd something more to say

Breathe (reprise)
Home, home again
I like to be here when I can
When I come home cold and tired
It's good to warm my bones beside the fire
Far away across the field
The tolling of the iron bell
Calls the faithfull to their knees
To hear the softly spoken magic spells

The Great Gig in the Sky

Money, get away
Get a good job with more pay and you're O.K.
Money it's a gas
Grab that cash with both hands and make a stash
New car, caviar, four star day dream
Think I'll buy me a football team

Money get back
I'm all right Jack Keep your hands off my stack.
Money it's a hit
Don't give me that do goody good bullshit
I'm in the hi-fidelity first class traveling set
And i think i need a Lear jet

Money it's a crime
Share it fairly, but don't take a slice of my pie
Money so they say
Is the root of all evil today
But if you ask for a raise it's no suprise that they're giving none away

Us and Them
Us, and them
And after all we're only ordinary men
Me, and you
God only knows it's not what we would choose to do
Forward he cried from the rear and the front rank died
The General sat, and the lines on the map moved from side to side
Black and blue
And who knows which is which and who is who
Up and down
And in the end it's only round and round and round
haven't you heard it's a battle of words the poster bearer cried
Listen son, said the man with the gun
There's room for you inside

Down and out
It can't be helped, nut there's a lot of it about
With, without
And who'll deny it's what the fightings all about
Out of the way, it's a busy day
And I've got things on my mind
For want of the price of tea and a slice
The old man died

Any colour you like

Brain Damage
The lunatic is on the grass
The lunatic is on the grass
Remembering games and daisy chains and laughs
Got to keep the loonies on the path

The lunatic is in the hall
The lunatics are in my hall
The paper holds their folded faces to the floor
And every day the paper boy brings more

And if the dam breaks open many years too soon
And if there is no room upon the hill
And if your head explodes with dark forbodings too
I'll see you on the darkside of the moon

The lunatic is in my head
The lunatic is in my head
You raise the blade, you make the change
You re-arrange me till I'm sane

You lock the door
And throw away the key
There's someone in my head but it's not me

And if the cloud bursts thunder in your ear
You shout and no one seems to hear
And if the band you'r in starts playing different tunes
I'll see you on the dark side of the moon

All that you touch
All that you see
All that you taste
All you feel
All that you love
All that you hate
All you distrust
All you save
All that you give
All that you deal
All that you buy
beg, borrow or steal
All you create
All you destroy
All that you do
All that you say
All that you eat
And everyone you meet
All that you slight
and everyone you fight
All that is now
All that is gone
All that's to come
And everything under the sun is in tune
But the sun is eclipsed by the moon

What song do they say dark side of the moon?

There are hit albums, and then there's Dark Side of the Moon. Pink Floyd's eternally popular song cycle has sold more than 15 million copies in the U.S. since its release on March 1st, 1973, and more than 45 million units worldwide.

What is the first song on dark side of the moon?

The first true song on the LP had its roots in a tune, also titled “Breathe,” that Waters had written for a documentary called The Body. Although the two songs don't have much in common, their lyricist did reuse the title and the opening line for Dark Side.

Who sang most of the songs on dark side of the moon?

The Dark Side of the Moon (1973) The iconic Dark Side of the Moon more or less was the beginning of the band's Roger Waters era. The bassist wrote or co-wrote seven of the album's 10 tracks, but vocals were still mostly being handled by Gilmour at this point; Waters sings only the two closing tracks solo.

Who said there is no dark side of the moon really?

The ground-breaking album has long been celebrated for its remarkable musical depth, its striking cover design and its history-making run on the Billboard charts between 1973-88. The only problem, says noted scientist and TV personality Neil deGrasse Tyson, is that no dark side of the moon exists.


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