Check grammar and sentence structure for free

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  • Access even more suggestions for advanced punctuation, style and typography with the “Picky Mode”
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Our browser add-on works anywhere on the web

Receive tips on how to improve your text (including punctuation advice etc.) while typing an e-mail, a blog post or just a simple tweet. Whatever language you're using, LanguageTool will automatically detect it and provide suggestions. To respect your privacy, no text is stored by the browser add-on.

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  • Google Docs Add-on

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* LanguageTool's grammar check for OpenOffice requires Java 8. Currently not available for the Premium version. Problems installing it? Look here for help: Troubleshooting

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Nothing makes you lose credibility faster than a grammar mistake. Feel confident in everything you write with ProWritingAid’s best grammar checker.

Why do I need to grammar check my work?

Good grammar and well-structured sentences help your reader follow your ideas more easily so they connect with what you’re saying.

Edit Faster and Better

Improve your writing quickly and efficiently with 1000s of improvements delivered in real time as you write.

Learn as You Edit

Build your writing skills with in-app suggestions, videos, explanations and quizzes.

20 In-Depth Writing Reports Go Way Beyond Just Grammar

Improve style, inconsistencies, awkward sentences, repetitiveness, and so much more.

Create Your Own Style Guides, Dictionaries and Snippets

Customize ProWritingAid to your specific needs by creating your own rules and reminders.

What kinds of mistakes can our grammar checker highlight?

English grammar isn’t easy, but the grammar check report will help you zero in on key embarrassing mistakes.

Spelling Errors

Spelling mistakes are highlighted red in your text when using our grammar checker. If you click the word, you’ll be shown a list of suggested corrections.

Commonly Confused and Misspelled Words

Our best grammar checker has also been programmed with a list of the most commonly confused words in the English language and will use the structure of the sentence to help you figure out when you have the wrong usage.

Grammar Errors

Grammar can be a bit of a minefield, so we highlight all potential issues in blue. Perfect grammar is hard and there are so many ways to slip up.

Do you have subject—verb agreement? Did you write "it’s" when you really meant "its"? Have you accidentally written a sentence fragment?

ProWritingAid’s grammar corrector will catch errors as you write so you can make sure no grammatical mistakes slip through.

Punctuation Mistakes

How many times have you been tripped up by comma splices? Or semi-colons? Or apostrophes? A good punctuation corrector will help you learn the ins and outs of punctuation rules.

ProWritingAid’s suggested changes will always be accompanied by an explanation to help you understand the rules so that you don’t make the same mistake next time.

What other common writing errors can I fix with a good grammar checker software?

Here are 8 of the most common English writing issues we can help you with:

When you write in the passive voice, you make your writing less direct. Your reader has to wait until the end of the sentence to see who is completing the action. That means they’re missing vital information upfront, diluting your meaning.

Automatically re-phrase your sentences in the active voice.

Hidden verbs are a marker of indirect or weak writing. These are phrases where you’ve replaced a more powerful verb with a weaker verb + noun combination.

Instead of writing that you’ll "make a decision," give your reader confidence by telling them that you will "decide" on something. This both cuts down the number of words your reader has to get through to reach your meaning and makes you sound more authoritative.

Ever been distracted when a writer has said the same thing twice? Redundant words and phrases are when you use two synonyms when one would do—like "past history" or "true facts." This just creates noise in your writing. You want to avoid unnecessary words wherever possible.

Complex ideas don’t always require the most complex words. In fact, if you’re writing something complicated, it’s best to focus on making your writing itself as simple as possible so the ideas shine through. The software will highlight jargon and complex words when there are simpler alternatives available.

Repeated words are tedious for your reader, and they often signal places where you could add more descriptive detail or move on to another point.

The repeats report lets you see words that have been used too many times so that you can add more variety to your text.

Strong non-fiction writing uses one transition per four sentences. In other words, 25% of your sentences should start with a transition.

Transitions are words like "additionally," "lastly," "contrastingly," and "consequently" that show relationships between ideas. They’re important in all kinds of writing, but especially in essays where transition usage is often included in grading rubrics.

Varying your sentence length is vital to keeping your reader engaged and making your meaning clear. Too many long sentences and your writing will sound dull; too many short ones and it will feel choppy and incomplete.

The most engaging writing has a variety of sentence lengths. Use a visualization of your text by sentence length so you know exactly which areas might need a bit more variety.

Repeating the same word at the beginning of several sentences also makes your writing sound tedious. And it’s more common than you think. Change up your sentence structure to make your writing more compelling.

To start seeing real improvement in your writing skills, you need to go beyond just correct grammar. Use an editing software to help you focus on your style, clarity, and structure, with thousands of useful rules and reminders programmed in.

What are the 20 writing reports?

ProWritingAid analyzes your writing and shows you how to make it better through 20 tailored reports.

It’s just like having a real-life writing coach guiding you

Some reports provide quick grammar suggestions that will allow you to polish up a short piece of writing. Other reports will go in depth and help you improve the strength and readability of your text.

The Overused Words Report

The Sentence Length Report

The Clichés and Redundancies Report

The Sticky Sentence Report

What Makes ProWritingAid the Best Grammar Checker Online?

Editing software is like your regular spell check, but with superpowers.

Like Microsoft Word’s spell checker, the online grammar checker shows suggestions to help you make your writing more accurate, correcting your spelling mistakes and punctuation errors as you write.

What type of content should I grammar check?

You should check any text that will be read by someone else.

For business writers improves your:

  • emails

  • reports

  • pitches

  • cover letters

  • resumes

  • contracts

  • strategies

  • marketing copy

For creative writers improves your:

  • stories

  • articles

  • memoirs

  • blog posts

  • social posts

  • essays

For students improves your:

  • essays

  • lab reports

  • assignments

  • applications

ProWritingAid's Grammar Check FAQs

1. Should I use a punctuation checker too?

Yes! Punctuation acts like signposts in your writing. It helps your reader follow your ideas and understand your sentences. Punctuation checking is essential if you want your writing to be clean and clear.

ProWritingAid has punctuation checking built in so you can do everything in one place. The grammar report will highlight any pesky misused commas, missing apostrophes, and more.

2. Does editing software work as an essay checker for students?

Yes! Better writing means better grades.

Schools and universities around the world use editing software to help their students write better essays. Sloppy spelling and silly grammar mistakes lead to poor grades. A good spelling and grammar check means you will find errors before you hand your assignments in. Teachers love essays that are clean, clear, and polished.

3. Can I track my editing progress as I go?

The hardest part of editing is always knowing where to begin.

It’s important to know what you are doing well and where you could improve at all stages. Good editing software points you toward the key changes that will have the biggest impact on your writing, while also acknowledging your wins.

ProWritingAid’s goals show how you score against real-world targets for the key editing elements for your document type. Your scores change as you edit so you can monitor your progress in real time.

If you’re unsure how to start improving your score for a certain goal, the handy information button has you covered with videos and articles.

4. Is there software to compare my writing with my favorite author?

ProWritingAid allows you to compare your writing to an author from your genre in areas like dialogue tags, conjunction starts, sentence length variety, and more.

You don’t need to match your scores directly to Agatha Christie’s to write a good thriller, but it can be useful to see how successful writing breaks down in terms of writing technique. You’ll see where your favorite authors bend the rules, or notice which writing quirks help make their prose unique to them.

5. Can I check for grammar mistakes in email? And on social media?

Yes! You can use our grammar checking browser extensions (Chrome, Safari, Firefox, and Edge) to check your writing on nearly every website out there, like Facebook, Twitter, and Medium, as well as on web-based email providers like Gmail and Yahoo.

Using the browser extensions, you’ll feel more confident that you are sharing error-free content every time you Tweet, share, or post.

How can I check my grammar sentence online for free?

A Free Grammar Check You Can Rely On Grammarly's online grammar checker scans your text for all types of mistakes, from typos to sentence structure problems and beyond.

How can you tell if a sentence is grammatically correct?

In order for a sentence to be grammatically correct, the subject and verb must both be singular or plural. In other words, the subject and verb must agree with one another in their tense. If the subject is in plural form, the verb should also be in plur al form (and vice versa).

Can I use Grammarly for free?

Fortunately, you can count on Grammarly's free version to help you catch and remedy a slew of common mistakes. This can save you time and safeguard your credibility while making sure your writing gives the write right impression. And the free offering doesn't stop there.

Does Google have a free grammar checker?

You can check your spelling and grammar in Google Docs, then accept or ignore the corrections. Spelling and grammar suggestions are available in English, Spanish, French, German, Portuguese, and Italian.


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